Dare To Dream Poem by Mamta Agarwal

Dare To Dream

Rating: 5.0

When your offspring flies the nest
You have mixed feelings when you rest.
The house is quite like a tomb
There is an empty feeling in the womb.

There are familiar stirrings inside you
Which seem to urge you to do
Things which had been put aside
While you were busy raising your child
Now out of the blue old yearnings are alive
And you feel like to strive
To work on the same
And make a name

It's true the only constant in life is change
You must widen your horizon and range
You may not be in your prime
But now you have the time
To work full steam
And once again dare to dream..

Richard Jarboe 05 June 2008

Great poem. The feeling of emptiness is the first feeling before filling up again, and that starts with dreams. Take care, Richard

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 06 March 2008

sometimes words could moved human's perceptions to life....

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Sylvi Sylva 26 January 2008

Mamta, how brilliantly written - love it. voted.

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Neil Marsden 26 January 2008

Wow! The highs and lows within this piece of work are unsettling and amazing! Well done! Neil.

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