Cutting Poem by Souren Mondal


Rating: 5.0


You think that I am an Emo guy
with seventeen tattoos on my body
and an association with some cult
that performs weird rituals
and summons Satan for a supernatural

I wear only black and
listen to indie bands
that no one has ever heard the name of,

and for you it's just a fetish of mine - to
cut - take a razor and cut my body's
skin here and there to let out some
blood -

For you,
It's a way for me to be cool,
To be a non-confirmist - live outside
the boundaries of the social circle that
YOU NORMAL people make

You call yourselves normal,
as if You and I have so many differences

But do you not, like me, have same
organs - like the heart - that pumps
blood in our bodies - us - humans.

I cut and you don't - that's
why you are normal folks and I am

But do you ever dare to stare long into my
and find the deep, dark abyss
of pain and scars that I am?


You think that I might have been
raped, had an abortion, or had
done something that good girls don't

since you saw the Ambulance rush
with me in it at three in the morning

or night or whatever -

And you are Goddamned angry on me
for ruining your good night's sleep
while I had been an insomniac for
four years.

I always wear full sleeve shirts and
even when the lead hits forty,

I do it to hide my scars - the ones
that I have all over my body - not
only my wrists...

You think that I'm weird, a freak,
since I have no friends and never talk or
smile, yet wear a lot of kajal
and always keep my head low...

What you don't know that there are
nights when my blood feels like
boiling lead melting my veins and
burning my heart -

I feel like a monster - a masochist,
some of you educated folks might say -

and at those times I cut
to let that boiling lead mixed up with
ridiculous substances run out of
my body,

To purge myself.

I'm a screwed up lunatic as
you say,
But there's no moon in my life
that can lighten up the dark hole
that I live in,

The dark hole that I am...


We are the cutters,
We cut ourselves to harm us,
Because it's in harm that we find

A moment of tremendous pain and
a threat to our lives - a risk, a rush, adrenaline,
The compulsive action worth taking,

again and again.

And although like Sisyphus it takes us
nowhere it somehow gives us a few moment
to breathe in the fresh red air of life,
while for the rest

Our life's each moment is toiled
away fighting with a predator that's inside
Us -

We are the predator -
We are its prey -
We are Pain, Agony, Struggle for Existence in camouflage

There's no happiness in our lives,
but no sadness either,
We are a strange ocean, with a stagnant
and a whirlpool inside...

There are no mermaids in there,
Only a creature that is a crossbreed
Between a sea horse and a wild hyena,

You'll never be strong enough to hold that creature in yourself like we do...

We don't need your sympathy,
We certainly don't need your judgement

All we need is love, acceptance, compassion
and empathy -

That's all we need,
If not that, give us nothing.

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,self harm
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 15 October 2015

Verily, the highly emotional have to face a lot, their lifestyle seems odd to the world but patience is what God formulates from all.......10 I invite you to read my poems

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Souren Mondal 15 October 2015

With pleasure Abdulrazak :)

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Dimitrios Galanis 06 March 2016

A stunning deffence of our world's victims.

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Valsa George 19 February 2016

A stunning write! It is once again written in your blood! Who can judge who is normal and abnormal...... Who has the right to judge anybody! What each human being longs to get is a little love, a little empathy and above everything a little understanding! We cannot categorize people into rigid modes. Each one is different and each has to be accepted that way. Our life's each moment is toiled away fighting with a predator that's inside Us - I can imagine the emotional trauma a person feels if his life is a fight against a predator staying within himself! External predators can be defeated, but it is hard to vanquish an enemy within oneself. This demon can be driven through a combined effort of the victim as well as those who associate with him! I sense the gnawing pain these people feel and hope they'll be understood in a better light! Souren..... as before you have voiced for the voiceless!

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Pamela Sinicrope 20 October 2015

I see this as a spoken monologue Souren. It is will written and gives insight into 'cutting.' Again, you've captured the difficult underside of things that people don't often talk or write about. You give voice to the people who are hurting and need empathy and understanding. Thanks for sharing your insight in this poem. Finally, What is an Emo? ...I looked it up and it looks like it was some sort of Rock genre from the 80's...part of the hardcore punk rock movement? I like how you referenced Emo and Sisyphus in the same poem! Well done.

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Souren Mondal 21 October 2015

Thank you Pamela.. I always try to touch upon issues that are close to me, doesn't matter if they are 'dark' or 'taboo'.. 'Emo' is truly a Rock genre of the 80's, but in its colloquial usage it has come to be used for (teenagers in particular) who 'cut' themselves and self-harm.. It's just sheer hypocrisy according to me - people not are entitled to be kind and compassionate (let alone empathy that I believe is something one either has or don't. It can't be cultivated) , but 'judging' people and harming them with words and forcing 'kids' if I may say it into social alienation simply increases their misery.. If the society don't want help them - fine - but don't harm them, which is being done.. And that is NOT acceptable..

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Kelly Kurt 15 October 2015

A wonderfully written piece, Souren. Respect, kindness and empathy are things we all deserve and should give. Depression is insidious, a little understanding and compassion may not cure it but can go a long way. This poem should be read by every human to help them understand where the pain comes from and how they can help.

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Kelly Kurt 15 October 2015

We don't need your sympathy, We certainly don't need your judgement All we need is love, acceptance, compassion and empathy - A wonderfully written piece, Souren. Respect, kindness and empathy are things we all deserve and should give. Depression is insidious, a little understanding and compassion may not cure it but can go a long way. This poem should be read by every human to help them understand where the pain comes from and how they can help.

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