Crying Into The Night... Poem by Cosmic Dreamer

Crying Into The Night...

Rating: 5.0

The day began like any other,
Yet fate had already set her wheels in motion,
Our path to destiny chosen long ago,
Time and time over have I relived that day,
That terrible instant when fate ripped you from my world,
If I could change that moment I would take your place,
Yet I know I cannot and visions of you live within me,
I see your face and I know I am falling apart,
Once more pain stabs at the very heart of me,
Like needles tattooing grief upon my soul,
Was there something I could have done differently to save you?
Yet again I beat myself black and blue in your memory,
And once more I cry silently into the night...

Spread the love... The peace will follow...

Ken E Hall 23 January 2012

I have lived the emotion of this poem and the words caress reality as reality so sad to read but not taking away the work of this great poem...regards

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Eric Cockrell 14 January 2012

naked and painful... we all have those happenings we question ourselves about for years. we cannot change the past, or change what happened, but our love never dies!

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Silentpoet Grl 14 January 2012

A painful write - capturing alot of strong emotion - a really wonderful poem!

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