Crash-Test Dummies Poem by Terri Turrell

Crash-Test Dummies

Rating: 5.0

He told me his truths were
uglier than mine
laughing, we threw words
that were
...pieces of flesh
hanging from bones

He slept inside my mind
for some amount of time
Minutes perhaps
still enough

I said if you leave
..truth unquestioned
You will be
part of the deception

He said my dance was
an uneasy truce
between gravity
and the will to fly

Crash test dummies
and we thought
we were...genius


Sonya Florentino 20 November 2009

yes, life sometimes feels like an experiement...but what we we supposed to prove?

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Lorenzo Costigliolo 19 November 2009

It is what you don't say that is more intrigueing than what you do say because the subtle suggestions of sequiturs that are to be assumed are so meaningful that it forces the reader (me, for example) to think outside of the box.

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Patrick A. Martin 19 November 2009

I know that dance between gravity and the will to fly. Every time I've danced it I have finished up flying. Odd thing that.----10

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Patti Masterman 09 November 2009

The first verse grabbed me, the second one held me still tighter and at the end, I felt as if I had witnessed an enjoyable sort of a car wreck..(smile) Great lines in here.

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