Covid 19 Poem by annette banham

Covid 19

This nasty virus has taken hold
of the world and of our nation
Stay in, don't go to work, we're told
but, don't treat like a vacation

There are exceptions to the rules, of course
where working from home's not an option
If you're part of the essential workforce
where fighting the cause is a function

The rest are told not to venture out
unless needing to shop for food
or for a run or walkabout
Just enough to lift our mood

There's also an order within the rules
where pubs and restaurants must close their doors
along with universities and schools
All important in helping the cause

We can no longer go just where we like
or gather in public places
Nor travel far by car or bike
to enjoy the open spaces

We're told to stay within our neighbourhood
and follow the rules by the letter
Making four wheels bad, two pedal wheels good
and four legs even better

We now have drones up in the sky
scanning all the far flung reaches
And helicopters hover high
In flight above our beaches

We're also told to alco' gel our hands
and wash 'em with warm water and soap
in order to reduce healthcare demands
so that our NHS can cope

We also need to keep six feet apart
when standing in a line
If this rule is broken the police can then impart
a caution or a fine

For most the rules are being adhered to
and people are keeping their distance
Exceptions are the selfish few
who openly display resistance

And when the time is safe, if any
When lockdown's finally through
The loss of freedom of so many
may be owed to the idiot few

I've been good
Well, I think I've been
I've done everything I should
to avoid contact with Covid nineteen

Sunday, May 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
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