Cosmic Music Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Cosmic Music

Rating: 5.0

Stars can be plucked
And threaded to a string,
Poles can be sucked
And forced to cling,
Birds can be flocked
To fly in a wing,
Or winds can be locked
And brought to a ring.

But no words in world can define your charm,
No wisdom of world comprehends your charm;
The magic you spread, expressions truly warm
Captivate all in Universe in a majestic frame.

Beauty is radiance deep within,
Lustrous glow from crystals of soul;
Beauty is hallowed lamp of the temple
Of life built on blocks of conscience;
True beauty, unlike unstable rainbow,
Timeless, shapeless, beyond colours;
It opens third eye, sits deep in soul,
A spring of hope and abiding bond.

You're pure glow of bright divine conscience
That lights this world in beauty's live dance;
You bring hope, sense, promise of deliverance,
You give righteous life its sublime relevance.

Beauty in world is not to pluck,
It loses its life out of habitat;
Beauty does exist to endear all,
It's to look, like, and appreciate;
Beauty grows while out of grab
Lest bad hands harm its flourish;
It thrives in grace in isolation
And withers and dies while in seize.

You're sheer Goddess in pure grace and peace
In golden glitters, oh, cool like the Moon's face
In hallowed temple of great love and reverence;
You came on the Earth to grace the human race.

Harmony is rhythm, perfect rhyme,
Harmony is poetry, cosmic music;
Harmony blossoms grace and peace,
Harmony, true source of all joys,
It's root, life's true fulfillment;
Harmony is beginning; harmony, end,
Harmony is truth; harmony, beauty;
All in-between, mere disturbance.

You're cosmic music in kaleidoscopic colours,
You're divine glow from the Heaven's interiors;
Discord dissolves, notes meet, accord flowers
In world, in soul, in lovely presence of yours.

Nature is simple, truly sincere,
Nature is gentle in all essence;
Nature is beauty personified,
Nature is selfless; nature, sweet,
Nature, honesty, in parts, and whole,
Nature is mother of perfection;
Nature is Queen; nature, Goddess,
All beauty flows from nature's womb.

Then, who you are, and how, you transcend nature?
Whence you bear the beauty that diminishes nature?
Perfection you carry, those gestures simple, sincere,
How built-in in you to zoom above Mother Nature?

In long walk on life's track,
Ups and downs, left, right turns
Disturb focus and lead astray;
Ego leads and greed misleads
And life is caught in spider's web;
Selfless too walks, suffers more,
Only to cleanse the faults in soul
On way to the happiest perfect world.

I know that you're model of sheer right and perfect,
And how you negotiate path by conscience, instinct;
Yet, pains, sufferings, grief why caught you in act?
I swear, they add to pure glow that lights your heart.

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