Confused Poem by Kassem Oude


Rating: 5.0

I would know but mind goes astray
Which mentality governs the world
Is it divine rule day after day
Or natural in cause-result mold

People worship one multi or none
Abide by morals, Gods, own favors
Recalling heavens their souls hone
Or for low pleasures and splendors

Some made social accord by selves
Select delegates on dates precise
Others poach rule they are knaves
Grasp, abuse it even despise

Some allege given power form skies
Forcing their ones to ape their mode
Warning torture after life would arise
And hell would be ever their abode

Yet all are tyrants should we obey
And agree on what they let for us
May we vanish at night right away
Or be shot in mid house, car or bus.

Kassem Oude
On October 5,2015

Monday, October 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 08 October 2015

Verily, all communities say that they are right, and follow their ideology and force others to follow the same, but, what's reality lies in confusion and a matter of debate. Loved reading and commenting........10

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Lorraine Colon 05 October 2015

Confusion exists in many minds. People want to believe in some divine power. It is a frightening thought that we are all alone here, with no divine guidance, no purpose to our lives. We have been conditioned to reject these ideas, and so we must believe in a God. But everyone wants a custom-made God, so consequently, we have many different religions - and Gods. As long as we believe in something, we are content. The conflict arises when one group thinks their God is the right one, and they want everyone else to accept their God also. And so the battle rages. I see no end to it. Your poem tells the story well, Kassem.

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