Commuter Poem by Richard Theze


Rating: 5.0

I have joined the ranks
Of those who file
Some distance to work
By train.

From suburb to city (and back)
Rising early to greet chill air
And birds, on line and wire
Who, in turn, network,
Greet the day
With twittered song.

First, on foot
By quickened step,
Past the closed corner house,
Tap dry,
Down hill.

No painted station, nor whistle,
No track song - quiet
But for the thrum
Of all-electric carriages
And pre-recorded announcements.

A digital screen names the stops:
Kreinsloger, Mühlenstraße, Blumenthal.
Here, the old station, unmanned,
Boarded up, thrived once, before
The advent of the ticket machine.

As other poets have noted well:
‘The [modern] world is [much] too much with us'.
Yet, through the windows I observe
The endurance of nature's tapestry -
Rich, I have gained time
To sit and stare.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Jazib Kamalvi 27 August 2019

A refined poetic imagination, Richard Theze. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Pamela Sinicrope 18 May 2016

Well done Richard. I have to admit I was a little skeptical when I read the title (not sure why?) , but as I read through your words, I enjoyed the ride. The reference to the birds on wire was a clever comparison to the human commuters and I like many of your word choices: network, all-electric carriages, and Rich... The comparisons between past and present, technology and old-world, flow into the writing and the last stanza was a surprise. It wasn't the overdone idea of old is better than the new, but then an appreciation for progress and technology because it gives you time to enjoy the view and think (maybe write a poem?) . Thanks for sharing.

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Richard Thézé 18 May 2016

Thank you Pamela. Always nice when a poem is appreciated by a fellow writer.

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Dr Antony Theodore 03 May 2016

et, through the windows I observe The endurance of nature's tapestry - Rich, I have gained time To sit and stare..... i have gained time to sit and relax and get away from the stress of everyday life. thank you for this thought provoking poem. tony

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Edward Kofi Louis 03 May 2016

Rising early! ! Nice work.

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Richard Theze

Richard Theze

Bicester, Oxfordshire
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