Christianity 101 Poem by Denis Martindale

Christianity 101

Blessed is the man who finds the Way
And lives for Christ the Lord,
For he shall see a newborn day
With love as his reward...

Blessed is the man who does what's right
And honours all God's truth,
For he finds wisdom day and night
Instead of God's reproof...

Blessed is the man who learns God's Word
Its treasures to unfold,
For he by revelations stirred
Helps others to be told...

Blessed is the man well versed in prayer
When Scriptures fill his heart,
For he has prophecies to share
By God's grace to impart...

Blessed is the man with self-control,
His every step to choose,
For he shall keep his sacred soul
Fit for the Master's use...

Blessed is the man who tithes with love
God's Kingdom to increase,
For he by faith receives enough
So wonders never cease...

Blessed is the man who comforts those
Whose faith is weak not strong,
For his compassion always shows
And prospers all day long...

Blessed is the man who meets his end
With utmost sanctity,
For he in Heaven meets his friend
Who died on Calvary...

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