Choices Poem by Randy McClave


I was taught to treat people nice
And to never think about it twice,
Threat them the way that they want to be treated
Especially after a cry and being defeated.
I was told that I must be nice and forgiving too
For the things that I am able to buy and the things I can do,
But, remember this, nothing was ever given to me
I never lived off the word free.
I have earned and bought and everything that I own
With my sweat, blood and busted bone,
I now enjoy my life to the full
And no one ever gives me any bull.
When I was younger I had nothing at all
But, I never gave up or threw a tantrum or did bawl,
And while others did complain or got an allowance or did sob
I instead went out and found myself a job.
One thing that I will say and I will not ever reget
I am proud of my pain my bruises and all my sweat,
I chose not to smoke or to drink or to lie or cheat
And I chose hard work and the long haul to make my life complete.
What I have and what I do is because of God and myself
Not because of someone else's help or their wealth,
And this one certainly I believe and I will always say
We all have chosen to be where we all are at today.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: choice,decision
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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