Children Of The World (Speech) Poem by Melvina Germain

Children Of The World (Speech)

If we loved all the children of the world, realizing how important they are in our society, how important they are to our future. What a difference life would be, I see great possibilities. To treat the children of the world with fragility, show them love, embrace them, give them stability. You know what’s going on in the world, you know the degradation, humiliation, heartache and strife, many children of the world are facing in these times. What are you doing to help? You know your neighbors beat their children, what did you do to protect them? You know there is molestation in the family, what are you doing about it? Are you minding your own business, are you keeping to yourself, are you keeping the peace, do you care about the child? Have you become totally complacent, afraid to speak up for fear of reprocussions? If you answered yes to any of
these pertinent questions, you better think and think clearly. You are responsible, if you know of any harmful deeds happening at this moment, in this time and you do nothing about it, you my friends are as guilty as the perpetrators, you have a responsibility to those children, so act upon it, do what you can to free these beautiful children, step up to the plate and make your mark.

The innocence of children is a treasure to enjoy, to watch them grow in mind and body. Oh my, it would be almost that of living in a commune, but of course we would take it one step future by embracing all the children of the world, loving all the children not just a mere few. Now don’t sit back on your high horse and tell me it’s impossible, I won’t buy that at all. All things are possible in this life. Positive thinking, no negativity here, yes I’m being realistic too for I believe the possibility. Protecting all the children by offering help in any way we can. We look abroad, we look beyond, but remember to look beside as well. We must protect all the children, not just the faces we see on TV. Protecting all the children including our children here at home, let’s not forget that as the saying goes “charity begins at home”, it’s true but children are not to be treated as charity, they are far more than that.

Children are our future, they are the leaders of our countries, the teachers, carpenters, plumbers, roofers, painters, electricians, engineers, big rig drivers, chefs, actors, actress’s, singers, dancers, artists, poets, authors, doctors and lawyers of tomorrow. Treat them well, they are the one’s that will make decisions that reflect on us. In future we become dependant. In our senior years we expect to be treated well, that won’t happen if we don’t do our job to the best of our ability. It won’t happen if we abused our children in any way. It won’t happen if we did not show them respect, it won’t happen if we did not nourish them properly, it won’t happen if we ignored them, if we did not answer their questions, if we did not tell them we loved them, showed them we loved them. It will not happen if we dishonored them in any way, it will not happen if we do not pave a clear way to their future. It will not happen people if we did not love them unconditionally.

I’ll repeat, the children ARE the FUTURE and we the parents and grandparents are now - - -in this time- - -in this day, thoroughly in charge of rearing the BEST future possible. WE can make it happen, we have the tools to do so, we are in charge NOW, we won’t be in charge - - -THEN- - -. Think of your own past, think how you felt as a child, were you happy, how did you feel if you were demeaned in any way, were you rebellious as a child and why. Think all of this through and ask yourself, do I want repetition, do I want to repeat the same offences I felt as a child. The answer people should be NO. “You do better when you know better”, as a famous man once said. Ladies and Gentleman, that saying is true, so teach our children well and you will reap the benefits through the blessings of the future. You will stand proud and a smile will grace your face when you hear them speak, you will be in awe of their performance and know that you did what the good Lord wanted you to do. Know that you did your job well, now you can rest, you can enjoy all the blessings. You can live until it’s time to go home, you will go home in peace, knowing that you did what God put you here to do.

God Bless the children and God Bless you

Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: March 25,2007

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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