Catch Rainbow Moments Light In Landscape Diversity Poem by Terence George Craddock

Catch Rainbow Moments Light In Landscape Diversity

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yesterday in fertile seed moments of tender gift giving
I was going to soft whisper on the freedom wind to you

ancient secrets
your lost living
then hearts beating

breathing ancient ancestors knew

stretching back down distant dust ages
to the dawn of family hunter gather tribes
to the dawn of sharing caring cooperating humanity

awake to gift dawn slow creeping into light
awake to gift day in senses tuned to life moments
awake to still moment opportunities

awake to share swift fleeting glances
love in looks touch feel of families living
moving breathing helping sharing working gathering

so all may share shelter food protect work
in all cycles of life all environment situations
awake to shifting vibrating earth pulse rhythms

silence stillness sound snow show of light
heat cold rain snow darkness stars night sky shining
live in blessing of each all moments shared to circles of love

today half the people seem to run
rush in fits of shadow fear worry
worrying about things that might

happen could happen

but half the time never do or are days
years decades yet still time distant away

awake walk in possibilities
moments time appreciation
live weave in joy or pain

sow sorrow happiness threads in life

awake know that life
is a tapestry woven in thread moments
choose colour patterns intricate possibilities of hope joy joy

awake accept dark threads
must be woven into life blessed journeys

awake into thoughts accepting choosing to shape
memories moments beautiful even in painful memories

life is bird flight from branch to branch
life flows in water whispers on the wind
life is the warm sweet cold breath of the wind

twinkle of star light
twinkle intoxicating of star light
twinkle of star light in satin dark night

life is bird flight from branch to branch
life flows in water whispers on the wind
life is the breath of the wind twinkle of star light

watch the light ripple in star light on the water
let life breathe flower into a beautiful soul journey
this world is a miracle blue pearl spinning in space

we share the same sky atmosphere air oxygen one breath

the lungs of the earth forests rainforest cut down
oceans lakes rivers water polluted cannot breathe

once decades ago as a child
I sometimes played with trucks or in a sand pit
today I tell you there are people governments bullies fools

still selfish playing in sand pits tanks attack aircraft bombers
playing in park pools with nuclear submarines nuclear torpedoes

throwing not sticks stones but nuclear missile threats

sharing caring love nurturing protecting not taught
when will you learn we are a global race one family
when will you learn my brother hurts I share his pain

I meet God in him

brothers sisters
mothers fathers
children one global family

heal breathe nurture cure restore protect or die

catch rainbow moments breath love light in landscape diversity

decades ago I told you

'There are those that pass,

They walk blindly,
seeing only
what they hope to gain.

And for them, emptiness
like a dog on leash
will seldom stray.'

yesterday in fertile seed moments of tender gift giving
I was going to soft whisper on the freedom wind to you

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Split image from the poem 'Once Hunter Gather Humans Used Ability Heightened Senses', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Complete version of the split images 'Shaman Wind Whispers', 'Witness Dawn Of Family Hunter Gather Tribes', 'Live In Perpetual Light', 'Weave Life Tapestry Woven In Thread Moments', 'Choice Life Tapestry Pattern Moments', 'Star Light On Silk Water', 'Let Life Breathe', 'Nuclear Bully Bullying Sandpits', 'Global Race One Family' and 'Breathe Love Into Landscape Diversity: Or Die! ', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Quotation from the poem 'Perspective Stand', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in September 2021 on the 28.09.2021.
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