Casanova Poem by jerry hughes


I walk lamely
I stutter when I speak
I forget things easily
names, dates, places.
Why is it so?
Blame it on the casanova.

Onelia Avelar 28 October 2008

I guess there are at least two ways to interpret this clever piece :) - the new house is not easy to be found if one easily forgets names and places or Casanova owes his reputation the ability to forget easy ;) Both ways it's amazing piece!

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Herbert Nehrlich1 28 October 2008

There is a posibility that you wanted to say WHY in the last line. Blame it on the Bossanova I guess. H

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Jerry Hughes 28 October 2008

Thanks for your comments Herbert and Onelia, much appreciated, Jerry

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Rachel Butler 20 September 2009

Blame it on the casanova. Rachel Ann Butler

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Mimzy Sue 03 November 2008

it's short but says a lot. we all wonder it sometimes but you know exactly how to say things with good humored, you are strong and witty. always love to read your poem Mimzy

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Nimal Dunuhinga 29 October 2008

Bit irony when reads the title, still the style has not changed by this great poet. Well come to our world!

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Bonnie Collins 28 October 2008

Jerry, this says it all! ! It truly does, non wrapper with medical bliss/nightmare, but filled with the bare bottom truth, and the courage behind this, is far greater than any obsitcable that you have encountered during this unplanned side track..... Very nicely penned from deep within your heart.. Bonnie

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Alison Cassidy 28 October 2008

You show the irony of your 'condition' with the wit and clarity of a still bright mind. Others having been hit by the same bus/train/semi are probably slobbering into bibs with tubes up their noses. Incidentally the Casonova title rather suits you my love, still. Thrilled to read this. love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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jerry hughes

jerry hughes

a citizen of the world
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