Can You Have Too Much Of A Good Thing? Poem by michael spangenberg

Can You Have Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Hypocrisy is a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time: using double standards. There's one rule for her and another rule for everyone else.

La hipocresía es una situación en la que alguien finge creer algo que en realidad no cree, o que es lo contrario de lo que hacen o dicen en otro momento: el uso de doble rasero. Hay una regla para ella y otra para todos los demás.

President Trump inauguration speech: 'My fellow Americans, ask not what the president can do for his country, ask what the country can do for the president! '

Interviewer: 'Under the pretense of draining the swamp turning the national establishment's swamp into a foul sewerage by embracing conflict of interest (a politically correct word for corruption) , nepotism (running the country as a family business) and growing the influence of Wall Street elites. Is the fact of the matter not that it's sheer hypocrisy and overstepping and abuse of executive power?

So, Mr. President, can we have too much of a good thing? '

Trump: 'Um, you know, like, uuhh, actually...'

White House's Attorney: 'We could possibly comment, but we're not going to comment'.

President: 'Next question, please.'

Washington DC, January 21,2017.

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