Besieged At Sunrise Poem by c.a. sherman

Besieged At Sunrise

The relentless dawn
impends upon us like a siege
an unstoppable assassin
who will not deem to spare me
just one extraneous moment
to inhale the scent I now know as you.

I will your essence to permeate my senses
let me tuck you safely in my consciousness
to be consumed when the loneliness gorges on my soul.
That emptiness that waits just outside the door...
a guarded thief who looms ready to ensnare your presence
and leave me void and vacuous.

The room begins to shift and glow
it undulates in silver, viscid hues not yet named
as the unyielding dawn looms closer.
It casts a shadow on my cheek...
an optical illusion
of a single unshed tear.

We heard it coming days ago,
this thieving soldier.
We felt it's breath upon our necks, we heard it's stride still distant..
and while the ground trembled sightly with it's approach...

your skin was warm
and my eyes beckoned
and our fluent need enshrouded us in a false security;
rendering us mute to this now imminent, unyielding march of time.

I hear it tapping at the window...the sound thunders in my ears...
I feel your slow, begrudging exodus of my arms...a brush, a breath..
I smell dawn's palatable bouquet as it devours you...

then nothing.

I touch the empty space beside me, your warmth evaporating in your exhaust as
I see your taillights twinkle once in daybreaks victorious appearance...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: loss,love,missing you
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