Are You Phuucking Kidding Me? Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Are You Phuucking Kidding Me?

Just recently, or precisely 96 hours ago
I offered out a proposition to one
when asked on the current
Human Development Indicator scale...
The following, maybe; is as true as all truth is...

A proposition is a assumption
is an asp whole.
Every body on this planet
has one or maybe more
maybe not, butt none the less
in this standard; even
the least of bodies has one...
or more, depending upon the
original design of that body.
Okay, So... the subject happened
at that particular moment to be of
utmost importance to all of the remaining
mass of humanity's bodies.
As we all know, every body has to go...
do this task at least two or three times
each and every day and night. Right!
Okay, you all got the hint of the subject
that this here bit-o-dash is mostly about?
Maybe? Think, for one moment people...
What is it that each of you excuse your bodies
away, some where; to do several times in
a twenty four hour period... Wow!
One, twenty four hour period; is a fine
title of a wright's write right! Butt
that write is for latter... Remember
how that trip some where, to do
those things; used to bee?
And not so long ago either!
And guess the phuuck what? ? ?
That first unit, did not 'talk with you'!
Yes! Got em' now that do! Talk!
Now, do we each have a clue
to what it is that each body doo?
OR NOT! I cannot help thinking about
what it is ya'll all gone missin!
About just any thang' et el! Well?
Yea, it is 'a deep and most profound question
asked in that moment's conversation with an
'Auntie'... courtesy of our very 'owned'
Uncle Sugar' Bugger- -
And you each 'Know What I Mean'!
Butt, "once bitten twice shy"; again
that subject is 'fore! ' another
'Wright Knight'
to write!
Our 'agent' Sam
did ask that question, that
'what if' kinda, sorta, maybe tongue twister
about all of humanity, and that or what worth
is it to the universe... So, I responded
with that question- - What is the most important
and the most important; and the 'greatest'
of all humankind's inventions?
'Sam' stumbled badly on the 'comeback'
so I spoke the truth about the technological
faire dust humanity is capable of
even to this moment in earth time...
Human kind invented what devise
that NONE of you can live without?
Especially the females in 'those societies'!
Guess what it is now?
Humanity's greatest societal creation
utilizing it's 'modern human brain' is...

Thursday, November 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: indecision,integrity,intergalactic
"wake up sheeple! "
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