Are You Itching? Poem by Delilah Miller

Are You Itching?

Rating: 5.0

I never feel THIS itchy,
anxious and aggravated.
I sit still every night.
The sunshine is never too cold;
never too long has the moon estivated.
So I don't find my way
through incessant tides of pity.
I'm of a stable, ripe species,
with no reason to hate this city.

And yet,
there's no connection to linger on,
saying the phrases she wants to know.
Only mistakes, to double back upon.
I won't tell another soul
the projects I've devastated
and the words I stole.

Rainy days are easier
because I've got a strong back.
And yet,
the sky music has a lull,
Makes me think
Can you get me off your mind?
I try to get off track and
my nerves get too full!
My legs tingle, my lips smack.

My belly is twisting;
it has secrets to spill soon.
The itch is an awful ache
to reach a conclusion.
I've waited patiently,
just for life to turn its back
and leave me
with no surprise or intrusion.
All this time and finally I get it;
human isolation is a delusion.
One full moon,
fertility rising through the stomach,
overflowing a soul
and you'll need to feel THIS itchy.

Marvin Brato 16 June 2008

Hi Collette, which part is itching your back or your tummy.... nice write about life that sometimes becoming boring! Let it out my dear..... show love to get love! A 10.

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