Amber Poem by Randy McClave


Why is Amber still in jail
Why haven't they still gave her bail,
Please tell me why is she still behind those iron bars
Maybe she will tell us in her memoirs.
Did she get a judge or a politician upset or mad
Is keeping her in jail making them glad,
Are they putting their hurt feelings out their first
If so, I hope God places upon them a terrible curse.
We all make stupid mistakes to that fact I agree
And we all are fined in those situations in some degree,
But, when real criminals are happily released
And she is not, I hate it that you are most likely pleased.
Many on a parole board were raised with a silver spoon
And not raised in a kitchen or in a barn or in saloon,
And whatever they received or have ever got
More likely for them it was bought.
Maybe it is a judge and not someone on the parole board
Who against her, has vengeance and/or hate stored,
And from jail he or she or them does not want her freed
Remember this, murder wasn't her crime or deed.
We are praying for her release in our Church with prayers
We are also sending her our wishes and our cares,
While her teenage daughter now doesn't have a mother
Now because of you, her dreams you too will smother.
God knows her soul and what she has been through
And I know that God is watching and listening, but are you,
So, tell me please and also what the Hell
Why is Amber still in jail.

Randy L. McClave

A church member is in jail for a petty crime, she was arrested in November of 2021, she was supposed to be released this April 2022, now they tacked another year to her sentence.
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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