Adust Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



Feel adust to my head
-listening and reading!

I went to meet Aileen
-gave her call on reaching.

"Give me your buzzer code
-or descend, to the floor…"

"Do not have buzzer and
-not in a mood to do that! "

Finally found my way
-we laughed and I handed
-the gift that had for her;
-both of us opened hearts.
-As a nurse, exhausted
-stayed home, needed rest.

We hugged and she relaxed
-saw me as the good sign…

Felt great to have done
-her favor, and good job.

Then back on studies
-embarrassed by reading.

HBC convicted
-a person for the sex
-with a native woman.

"Fornication and the theft! "

So many Mestizos
And hybrids after wars
Are from forceful rapes!
Governments and the faiths
Close eyes, ignore them
Unless they decide to
Punish one, causing shame,
All of what was ignored
Falsified come to light
Using the "Foolish laws! "

For years and many years
-I have been forced by them
-to let go and obey
-even feel bad, ashamed
- (yes, I mean governments!)

Time has come to let go
-not their way but my own
- "Hell, with the governors,
-here, there, everywhere!
-they are pain in the butts! "

Must stand to them tall
-raising head, chest forward
-and curse the ugly judge
-with a gavel that shines on;
-in front and behind
-an angel, the blind.

We pay these mosquitos
-with hardship, our blood;
-and they are like leeches
-suck blood forever
-turning to vampires…

Look at the charters like
- "The Royal" to "Rupert"
-ignoring residents
- "Indians" or "The Red."

Look at Charles, Christian
-follower of Jesus…

His leader most concerned
-about weak and oppressed
-but Charles did in reverse!

He issued a decree
-in which land is/has been
-the home for dwelling
-of hunters, trappers
-was given to a few
-British wolves, foxes…

The Hell with governments!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: solitude
Me Poet Yeps Poet 05 June 2019

preeeetteeeeeeeeeee longggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now read me

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