A Woke Mind Poem by Randy McClave

A Woke Mind

Though I am not one of a kind
But, I indeed have a woke mind,
For years I have been woken, and about it I have spoken
And souls like me are not that hard to find.

I read books and I don't ever burn them
Not even in violence or for a whim,
If I don't like the book, I don't give it a second look
Book reading is knowledge prelim.

I always embrace science
With unto me you will find no defiance,
God is the greatest scientist, because of him all does exist
And that gives me my reliance.

When new information ever becomes available
When it's placed for me on the table,
My mind I'm willing to change, to it I'm not estrange
Unto facts I'm always salable.

I understand that most issues are not black and white
I also know that wrong is never right,
And the color of the skin, doesn't give you a loss or a win
For that fact I'm willing to fight.

I believe in true equality for one and all
Whether your name is Jose', Juan, Aaron, Amari or Paul,
We all have the right to live, the right to help and give
None of us should be refused by a wall.

I enjoy and I embrace to help and share
To friends and strangers both here and there,
I embrace cooperation, around the world and in every nation
i respect others rights and I hope for brotherhood and care.

I believe culture and the arts have great value
And I believe that together we all can do,
I care not for worries or strife, but I care for the planet and all of its life
Yes, I woke just in time to help you.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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