A Trick Of The Eye Poem by Alex Fischer

A Trick Of The Eye

If I were to leave you here In thIs HellIsh Earth
Forever trapped In another place
If I ran for Heaven or If I ran for Hell, whIch one would you prefer?
Death wIll come upon me anyway no matter what you do
I stIll love you no matter my state of health
Even If you don't love me I could never hate you
Does It hurt I wonder to dIe? I wonder If I'll cry?
Why shouldn't I? If there's no one here to be wIth me
Out wIth the old and In wIth the new
Us has dIed for wIth sIlence from the gold there Is no meanIng
Love has faIled me every tIme, but yet In the end I stIll love you
Death Is comIng upon me soon, my lIfe as short as the dot on thIs i
Anywhere I go all I can thInk of IS YOU
Not for a second does my mInd wander from YOU
Yet there Is a certaIn force stoppIng me from dyIng
One tIme that's all I ask
No thIs does not mark my death
Even death cannot extInguIsh MY LOVE FOR YOU
Carefully I pIece my lIfe back together
A beautIful sound comes from your flute. Your eyes shIne In the dark of my lIfe
Reruns of the same thIng I never get tIred of seeIng you
EverythIng Is spInnIng around me, world's collIde, where am I
? I see your face In the small rays of LIGHT. My heart
jumps wIth joy. So one questIon for you:

would you care?

Alex Fischer

Alex Fischer

North Little Rock, Arkansas
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