A Spirit Like A Beacon! Poem by Uma Pochampalli Goparaju

A Spirit Like A Beacon!

Like a bubbling spring she was
When I saw her the first time!
She was all over the place
Laughing and running, and playing
It was as if you want to hold
A bunch of flowers all in your hand
Some would just go out into the cold
As you do not want to cause folds
She was ethereal, I thought
I saw some time later, she was
A soul seeing many things in life
Like the river ganga near varanasi
She bears all the responsibilities
Like a vessel full until brim
Never showing if she is grim
Her people around her as if
Travelling in tranquil in a vessel
Life is kind but not always,
When I saw her later, she was
In a huge turmoil as if her vessel
Was going up and down in a tyfoon
Yet her poise was great, she served
Them with generosity generating out of
Her lovable spirit, and bearing all the
Burden yet never feeling afraid
Of the thunders and the floods that followed
He left her company after a long
Life with care and spirit,
Even when he could not get out of
His bed, he listened and supported her
Even with his looks, when his children were
Uneasy with the care and attention
She vested on them and grumpled..
She was shattered, but not in spirit,
Standing against all odds,
She supported her children
And gave them solace, and strength
Little does she reflect on the
Unstoppable past, she like a guiding light
Is always showing the path,
Never complaining of the hurricanes
The wonderful person that she is!

My mom was so active as a young girl, I remember her in her twenties and aslo visualize how active she was as a young girl, from the stories that she told us of her childhood.
This is in praise of the guiding light that she is.
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