A Mother Poem by Randy McClave

A Mother

At 60 father retired
And mother is still working and tired,
Father now gets to stay home and sleep in late
While mother still has to wait.
Mother still works for her husband
As she was taught and now accustomed,
From early morning until late at night
And sometimes with no break in sight.
Mother works for her children
And she also looks after her grandchildren,
Mother is always busy on the clock
She always has another job to do with every tick tock.
Mother looks after all of the pets
They too now have became her assets,
She feeds them and watches them and takes care of them
And daily she still hums them a happy hymn.
Everyone retires, but mother
Even her sons and also soon her younger brother,
Seemingly in this world everyone does hire
But, unsurprisingly, mother never ever gets to retire.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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