A Morning Exercise Poem by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

Cumberland / England
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William Wordsworth
Cumberland / England
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A Morning Exercise

Rating: 2.8

FANCY, who leads the pastimes of the glad,
Full oft is pleased a wayward dart to throw;
Sending sad shadows after things not sad,
Peopling the harmless fields with signs of woe:
Beneath her sway, a simple forest cry
Becomes an echo of man's misery.
Blithe ravens croak of death; and when the owl
Tries his two voices for a favourite strain--
'Tu-whit--Tu-whoo!' the unsuspecting fowl
Forebodes mishap or seems but to complain;
Fancy, intent to harass and annoy,
Can thus pervert the evidence of joy.

Through border wilds where naked Indians stray,
Myriads of notes attest her subtle skill;
A feathered task-master cries, 'WORK AWAY!'
And, in thy iteration, 'WHIP POOR WILL!'
Is heard the spirit of a toil-worn slave,
Lashed out of life, not quiet in the grave.

What wonder? at her bidding, ancient lays
Steeped in dire grief the voice of Philomel;
And that fleet messenger of summer days,
The Swallow, twittered subject to like spell;
But ne'er could Fancy bend the buoyant Lark
To melancholy service--hark! O hark!

The daisy sleeps upon the dewy lawn,
Not lifting yet the head that evening bowed;
But 'He' is risen, a later star of dawn,
Glittering and twinkling near yon rosy cloud;
Bright gem instinct with music, vocal spark;
The happiest bird that sprang out of the Ark!

Hail, blest above all kinds!--Supremely skilled
Restless with fixed to balance, high with low,
Thou leav'st the halcyon free her hopes to build
On such forbearance as the deep may show;
Perpetual flight, unchecked by earthly ties,
Leav'st to the wandering bird of paradise.

Faithful, though swift as lightning, the meek dove;
Yet more hath Nature reconciled in thee;
So constant with thy downward eye of love,
Yet, in aerial singleness, so free;
So humble, yet so ready to rejoice
In power of wing and never-wearied voice.

To the last point of vision, and beyond,
Mount, daring warbler!--that love-prompted strain,
('Twixt thee and thine a never-failing bond)
Thrills not the less the bosom of the plain:
Yet might'st thou seem, proud privilege! to sing
All independent of the leafy spring.

How would it please old Ocean to partake,
With sailors longing for a breeze in vain,
The harmony thy notes most gladly make
Where earth resembles most his own domain!
Urania's self might welcome with pleased ear
These matins mounting towards her native sphere.

Chanter by heaven attracted, whom no bars
To day-light known deter from that pursuit,
'Tis well that some sage instinct, when the stars
Come forth at evening, keeps Thee still and mute;
For not an eyelid could to sleep incline
Wert thou among them, singing as they shine!

Susan Williams 18 March 2016

Through border wilds where naked Indians stray, Myriads of notes attest her subtle skill; A feathered task-master cries, 'WORK AWAY! ' And, in thy iteration, 'WHIP POOR WILL! ' Is heard the spirit of a toil-worn slave, Lashed out of life, not quiet in the grave. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - there are always lines in a wordsworth that stir the heart

19 3 Reply

A very good poem from the great poet so much interested.

3 2 Reply
Ramesh T A 15 May 2018

Deep love of Nature has inspired Wordsworth to indulge in descriptive beauty of Nature with myths fashing here and there makes his works as classical ones ever!

1 3 Reply
Kumarmani Mahakul 15 May 2018

A great write on nature by great poet William Wordsworth has been selected today as the poem of the day.

2 2 Reply
Edward Kofi Louis 15 May 2018

Beneath her sway! ! Thanks for sharing.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 15 October 2023

Beautiful words that establish a close bond with nature. Super Wordsworth!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 October 2021

2) Nature is the creation of God. Truly beautiful and faithfully rendered.5 Stars full

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 October 2021

This poem is still from the era when everyone believes in God, and the poet here is in his element to describe the beauty and freshness of nature during his morning walks.

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Saravanan Sivasubramanian 11 October 2021

Wonderful poem from nature love poet

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BOB ROSS 11 January 2021


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William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

Cumberland / England
follow poet
William Wordsworth
Cumberland / England
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