A Mind Gone Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

A Mind Gone

No one can say today,
They are immuned from a mind gone.
Without time to take to make sense in it.
Nor can anyone stay safely away,
From someone unknown...
Consumed and prepared,
To display their bitterness, bigotry...
With an array that sprays upon others,
Pent up hatred with kept sick beliefs.

No one can say today,
With it admitted to confess.
They were taught at a time,
Somewhere and at someplace...
Someone different and with their own taste,
Had been selected to dislike...
For how they appeared or their choice of faith.

No one can say to remember when,
They readily respected...
Someone's culture, race or color of skin.
Or texture of hair and how they wore it.
Where they lived, what they drove...
Or even how they spoke to express themselves.

And no one living,
Within communities gated.
Or isolated surrounded by picket fences to paint,
Could if they wished it...
Walk on water to declare themselves 'saints'.
But many have lived their lives,
Perceiving they are great if they berate someone else.
To only discover from another they run,
Who also has been sold and bought...
Teachings taught to keep them seeking,
Validation to prove...
They were born on one Earth to experience together.
Be they Black, Brown, White or 'whatever'.
Blue-eyed, hazel, green or gray.
Nappy hair, straight, dyed, wigged or weaved.
One race just 'has' to be chosen by a God,
No one claims to have ever seen...
Accepted to be better than the other.

And with this to prove,
A mind gone...
Consumed and prepared,
To display their bitterness, bigotry...
With an array that sprays upon others,
Pent up hatred with kept sick beliefs.
Has everyone screaming terrified,

Regardless of race, color.
Religious beliefs.
Desires, wishes or dreams.
Where they live. How they live. What they drive.
Or whose name they can drop,
When they socialize.
OR who cheats on husbands, lovers or wives.
All will run from one with a mind gone,
Trying to escape to appreciate what becomes...
The one thing they cherish most,
Life. Without thought given to accessories!
Or who to address to keep impressed.
When a mind amongst them becomes unglued...
No one is thinking,
About the price paid for their shoes.

One mind gone,
Has a way of putting everything in perspective.
For everyone to value and prioritize...life.
To then begin to notice others.
Attempting to escape from a displayed craze.

'Were they Black, White, Brown?
How many were they?
And what religious affiliation? '

~Are you kidding?
We didn't have time to interview anybody.
Or see who he, she, they or took time to count,
How many were chasing us away from peace.~
We all ran faithfully together in fear.~

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