A Lost Poet Poem by Fernando Alvarez

A Lost Poet

Rating: 5.0

So long since writing was his passion
That passion was gone after facing many problems
Problems which made him be a total different person
Soon, words were gone with the wind

Wanting to return to his old him
Simply could just not be
Trying would drag him deeper into the new

Life gave him other opportunities
Opportunities, which he liked
New routes, new people, new situations,
A different world, the one he knew it would give him fortune

Now that old poet has almost forgotten his roots
A businessman he is now, a guy in a suit and tie.
Wearing fancy designer clothes
Where did the casual, simple guy go?

Facing new problems and dealing with his boss
He now sits back, reflects and remembers the old him
How could he have stopped doing the things he loved the most?
Being simple and not carrying so much about things
He barely noticed he has grown and time has passed
Too soon he thinks, kinda missed part of life.

There is no going back, he knows that
All he wants is some free time
A moment to kick back and DJ again
Write again, be inspired.
For a day or two is enough

Grateful for what he has achieved
Sad for what he has given up
Time should be found,
Find a moment to do those things all over again
Enjoy once more…

Pranab K Chakraborty 27 April 2011

Nicely illustrated the contradiction. Two faces of our existence, really confusing which is much real! Yet you have tried to draw a line to tie up the two ends. Thank you. Thank you much. Regards, pranab k chakraborty 10+(if server permits)

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