A Letter From Patty And Ray Poem by RIC BASTASA

A Letter From Patty And Ray

It is time for us to leave San Diego
and head back to Portland
starting on Valentines Day.

I hear it has been snowing in Portland,
I guess that rules out outdoor yoga classes.
That doesn’t sound good compared
to San Diego where it is usually sunny
and the activities included yoga,
aerobics, tennis, biking to shop,
kayaking, and fish tacos.

We have a great spot here
at Campland with a water view out front.
It is much nicer
than last year because
no one is occupying
the spots on either side of us.

We brought nicer bikes
with big baskets and racks for groceries.
The motor home only moved
once since we arrived
and all our activities
have been via bike or kayak.

When we first arrived
I hooked two ten foot sewage hoses
together and the connection failed.

We had sewage everywhere.
We called the hazmat team
but by the time
they got here the ducks had eaten
what Ray and I didn’t clean up
with newspapers.

The ducks are everywhere
and I find it annoying stepping
around duck poop.

Ray likes their personality
but I only see the poop..

Vancouver Bob came to visit us.
We had fun searching
Pacific Beach for a house
he lived in fifty years ago.

He brought the rain with him
and we realized the motor home
gets smaller in bad weather
and with each person.
Overall it has been
the best weather
I’ve ever seen in San Diego.

Ray enjoyed golfing with Bob Perry
two or three times each week.
His other golf buddy,
Malcolm died last year.

Foxy is quite the character on drugs.
She thinks she’s super dog jumping in
and out of the motor home.
Her legs fail
so we lift her now against her will.
She loves sunrise
and sunset walks on the beach
as well as begging for drugs.

Sorry this letter is so boring,
but such is life.

Hope you all have a great valentines day.



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