A Humorous Poem Poem by M. Asim Nehal

A Humorous Poem

Rating: 5.0

I write poetry not very often but I repeat them so,
I have very limited numbers to count,
Just one to twelve for long poems, sixty for short poems
And again, sixty for Haikus.

I am not liked by anyone on this site either,
Since, I have limitations on numbers and
I keep repeating my poems every now and then,
But did you ever ponder why so? ? ? ? ? ?

I am designed that way, my friends, now
Will you ever ask why earth is round?
Why moon appears only at night
Why sun is so bright? Why birds fly not swim?
Nobody knows but they accept the facts as it is.

But they are unable to cope-up with my repetitions why? ?
They jump on my back, they blame, they shout and what not.
They even ignore me and nurture hatred,
Dear friends, you know better why all this, don’t you? ?

You are fortunate,
since God blessed you with imagination in abundance
and added wings to it with fertile mind to grow ideas,
enriched with vocabulary, refined with grammar and icing on the cake by rich memory bank. Still, you have limitations, don’t you?

Don’t misunderstand me, I am just an ordinary member here
Why here, everywhere and believe me nobody likes me,
I am the sufferer with blames, abuses and mistreatments
Still, I am part and parcel of your life, inseparable.

Hey, did you guess me, I am your CLOCK
With limitations of One to twelve numbers
Hours are my long poems, Minutes are my short poems
And Seconds are my Haikus, now read again and enjoy.....

Monday, November 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: humorous
NOTE: This is humorous/ satire poem with no intentions, whatsoever, to hurt anybody’s sentiments.

Special Note: To enjoy this poem read it till the end and repeat reading it at-least once.
Kumarmani Mahakul 30 November 2015

Writing and repeating poems in different angels both sequences give nice thrilling on education. God blesses with wisdom and we all are definitely fortunate here. Interesting sharing.10

6 0 Reply
T Rajan Evol 30 November 2015

Brilliant writing, Mr. Asim I really admire you writing skills.

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Poetic Sky 01 August 2023

Ha ha ha, surprise ending with twist I never got clue of it while reading.

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Mamta S 23 April 2021

Ha ha ha kept suspense till the very end.

3 0 Reply
Valsa George 03 December 2015

I was wondering what you were saying! Only at the end came the real surprise! Quite witty and equally brilliant! A 10

7 0 Reply
Kewayne Wadley 30 November 2015

Brilliant play on words. I like very much what you've done here. Nice usage of the essence of time blending with your story! KW

5 0 Reply
Darren Jkoeryo 30 November 2015

Awesome poem with a suspense till end.....I liked you poem and will be saving it.

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