Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley Poems

Her moon is the everlasting cream
In my coffee of stars.
I stir in the hopes she appears
In half dark twinkles of night.

There are many roads we face in this thing called life,
some take us to heights unparalleled,
Some are filled with precious stones, pebbles, that leave a bright glimmer like the sun,
Others lead us back around to our favorite places we've passed,

With so little time I could not decide.
Shelf after shelf filled with book upon book.
The likes I've dreamed of reading.
Most bookstores have there signs posted.

I watched her walk away,
Her lanky arms swung in the wind,
Her jacket softly brushed against itself,
Painted a soft dull green,

A cry,
A laugh,
A moment to rejoice in the sweetest taste of inspiration.
Heavenly hymns given by the fixture of your lips.

If I could walk across the sky, i'd spell your name across the stars,
As every thought is a thought of you,
The stratosphere would remind me of your touch,
A simple caress that speaks louder than words,

Light shades of blue covered by shades of white,
Holding out my arms, knowing only the thought of you.
Embracing the warmth given through the day,
Still it cannot compare to the warmth you provide.


She reminds me of Paris
Everywhere she goes,
Everything she does.
She sits on the couch

Nothing but the moon surrounds us
Depth of the upmost felt
As the pilars that hold Taj Mahal remains it's strength
Dreams of a young boy who grew up in the south

Time is intentional.
It brings together and also
For letters dance over the

In my dreams you seemed so far away
The night turned to day in the blink of your eye
Words became the actions dismissed by the breath you took in front of me

I hope the angels bless you with the courage to get through your day, as there is no woe that can weigh you down, On an chariot that rides under the sun, don't be afraid to sore the light wings that are no longer made of wax, May your mind be at ease as the clouds, Weightless as they are, bare your best interest,

She was made of wine
A wild child whom loved to wear red
And fluid like dresses,
When she'd come around I'd pull out

Old songs are like
A prayer; no matter the length
Of time.
No matter how long or short.

I feel most at home
When I am beside you.
I am able to breathe freely & abundantly.
You speak kindly to my soul,

I took a piece of my heart & planted it in a pot.
It didn't take long before it flourished into thick red stems
Covered in red foliage.
The problem began when she appeared, seamlessly out of

And then it happened.
I came face to face with my ex.
Not much has changed from the last time we spoke.
When I was younger there use to be a sense of grief.


Her lips are the plum
That soaks my lips in provocative
My tongue wrapped

Kewayne Wadley Biography

Kewayne Wadley (November 5,1987 Groton Connecticut) Hailing from the soulful city of Memphis, Tennessee. Kewayne is a Memphis-based poetic storyteller whose mission is to spread love and inspiration through the power of words. Breathing his first human breath in Connecticut, he wound up spending most of his childhood days in the Deep South and much farther south: Central America. Distinctly amorous lines infused with sultry overtones, Kewayne's poetry paints vivid pictures of whirlwind romances and loves as unshaken as placid lakes. The unwavering support of his loved ones, especially his grandmother is what drives him the most. His innate ability to see life through an unconventional lens can be witnessed in his innovative approach to his craft. Notably, his books 'Listening to Songs at Midnight', 'More Songs to Listen to at Midnight', 'The Memorandum: An Ode to the Workplace or Something like that', and Mumbo Jumbo... I Love You'. Have been accepted into the Library of Congress, a very prestigious honor that highlights his contribution to the arts. Throughout his writing career, Kewayne's poems have been featured in an array of anthologies and zines, including but not limited to Collected Whispers (2006) , For This Cause Writers Unite (2012) , The Poetic Bond IX (2019) , The Porter Gulch Review: 36th Edition (2020) , and Mingled Voices 6 (2021) . He also was also crowned the 3rd Place Winner for his haiku " Full of Posies" (Dreamers Magazine,2022) and received Honorable Mention for his poem " Love Sometimes" (The Poetic Bond X,2020) . When he isn't jotting down romantic free-verse on any writing surface he can find, this multi-passionate writer is either drawing, painting, or listening to an eclectic assortment of music. He also has quite the green thumb, so he has taken up gardening. Anthologies & Magazines Participated in:   Collected Whispers (2006) , For This Cause Writers Unite (2012) , Where the Mind Dwells (2015) , The Poetic Bond V (2015) , The Poetic Bond VIII(2018) , Best Of 2019: 4th Edition (2019) , The Poetic Bond IX (2019) , The Poetic Bond X (2020) Honorable mention for 'Love Sometimes', Best Poets of 2020: Quarantine Edition (2020) , Porter Gulch Review 2020: 36th Edition (2020) , Poet's Choice: Desires (2021) , Human to Human (2021) , Who's Who in American Poetry (2021) , DRIP 05/06 (2021 Double Issue) Coffee People Zine, Mingled Voices 6 (International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology) (2021) , Dreamers Haiku Contest: 3rd Place Winner for 'Full of Posies' Dreamers Magazine (2022) , Mingled Voices 7 (International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology) (2022) , Looking in, Looking Out (2023) Poet's Choice: Ace of Spades (2023) , Mingled Voices 8 (International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology) (2023) Self Published Books Listening To Songs At Midnight (2020) More Songs to Listen to at Midnight (2022) The Memorandum: An Ode to The Workplace or Something like That Short Poems & Stories about the Workplace (2023) Late Nights on Venus (2023) Mumbo Jumbo... I Love You (2023) Twelve Midnight (2024))

The Best Poem Of Kewayne Wadley

Coffee Of Stars

Her moon is the everlasting cream
In my coffee of stars.
I stir in the hopes she appears
In half dark twinkles of night.
My hands warm in the bistro of
She leans against my lips
& my emotions erupt in hot steam.
A love like hers silk as cream,
Easing down my throat.
I stir until half dark twinkles are covered.
I stir until only the smallest bit is shown.
Her moon the everlasting cream,
In my coffee of stars.
The taste forever lingering on my tongue.
This cream a kiss that orbits much of the world.
A romance I taste with each sip,
In my coffee of stars

Kewayne Wadley Comments

Sofia Kioroglou 18 December 2015

Kewayne Wadley is a really gifted poet! I am so glad I got the chance to read his work on His work is so warm and evocative! I love reading his poems!

9 1 Reply
Kewayne Wadley 01 April 2021

'Listening To Songs At Midnight' is now available on Amazon, hopefully some of your favorite poems are included in this small collection of Poetry. Thank you so much for your time as well as patience. Nameste peace and blessings KW

6 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 26 July 2020

A great and very talented poet......God bless you dear friend......///

7 0 Reply
The Muse 06 October 2019

Congratulations on being selected for Poem of the Day.

8 0 Reply
Louise Mey 24 June 2018

I'm so happy that I've gotten to work with this incredible talent!

8 0 Reply
Dawn Novus 30 January 2018

Each time I read your poetry I think I cannot be more enamored by your words. Strung together like a maestro creating a master-piece symphony. I really adore the depth of your mind.

9 0 Reply

Kewayne Wadley Quotes

Her tongue is the novocaine that heals all pain

Her mouth is the Aqueduct From which my life springs

And Like The rain, We Both Fell

Easier is a state of mind, even a ocean starts as a puddle

And with the touch of her hand, the wall became a bridge

Flaws reciprocate each other until they find perfection, only through outside eyes

I was never good enough, that still wasn't never enough to stop me

She showed me that being strong willed was hardly enough in the midst of her disaster, I've watched buildings falter beneath her steps only for her to then smile like nothings happened

Fragile are the pages we turn, not truly knowing the severity of tight pressed pages

Everyone fails to mention what happens to the moth after the flame is extinguished

Sorrow escapes through the air as black smoke, The burning smell of a wick swelters in liquid wax. The Candle soon hardens as if nothing has happened

Each morning she grants me the unique privilege of providing a smile on her face I know quite a bit about the simple things. To watch her walk in and delight herself with the croissant of open lips A splash or two of milk painting her smile. I just might have to bring her breakfast one day Just to return the favor

I deliberately stained my lips with the edible arrangement of her heart, Savoring the hint of love

Often times it's hard to see in the dark, Of all the signs you've thrown. I caught the most important one

I got on my knees, hoping that you would appear I waited until the morning, keeping my eyes closed in solemn prayer. Hoping to see you when I opened my eyes. I was curious when you would appear, keeping my eyes closed. Continuing to wait, my knees became sore. Still I knelt on my knees knowing pain. Would your love ever take over. Continuing to wait I opened my eyes at the crack of dawn. Rising from my knees when I saw nothing but disappointment.

She, herself was the labyrinth the minotaur protected. As through her heart lead a passage to heaven

Never let the bitterness of a situation get the better of you. Keep your focus, render yourself open and adapt to the surrounding change. Everything requires balance Balance being what makes you smile most

"Acting like you don't care is not letting it go." Give yourself consent to breathe and entitle yourself to much needed reassurance that the small stuff is never as big until we say it is. So live, smile. Laugh as much as you possibly can. Starting now. Life itself is a see saw. Look up and see all the beauty that comes your way. Don't let the negative vibe of others impact the positive flow of what you have going on. Don't underestimate the power of a smile

I once asked do you love me, to which I knew the answer before her reply. Covered in skin sat next to my heart. And instead took it away from me

The sun could never replace the warmth you've left on my lips. Although the night comes, I need nothing else. My lips patiently wait In hoping there is a tomorrow. So the sun can see once more, The warmth you've left on my lips

Although my heart May beat in complete darkness, You are the light that always reminds me That things are never as dark As they may seem

I chase every second without you. A kiss short and brief This being the most meaningful time If but a moment. Passing by Two arms forever lost in a memory. The stretch of ticking needles. Tick tock, tick tock I am back chasing. An eternity spent in your arms Seems like a dream

I have met through worn old soles The experience of pretending you loved me

Love means never having to place the fence of limitations to where Openness rejoices without the noisy creak of hinges

My notebook is shut I've filled the last page with words of you. And those last fleeting moments From cover to end seem to remind me Why I constantly open my notebook With no more room left to fill the pages

My notebook is shut But the pen in my heart keeps scribbling your name

Within my arms lies a piece of you Which I extend further. Pretending I don't see, until I pull my arms closer Wishing that you were here

If I could meet you all over again, I'd live the rest of my life Knowing that my slice of heaven Resides the moment your heart grants a lifetime, In the same breath your smile meets mine

Let me know when There is no shame tracing the lines of your hand. Only then could we reveal the nature of our True selves

The moon stares at me and unfolds so much. It's light a reflection of how I feel When your away The moon itself, how big I feel When you're near. Reminding me that no matter How far you are. You're always close. No matter how dark it gets

Set me free to travel Underneath bright lights. Beside passing cars. Restaurants with open Flashing signs Set me free to realize How much I enjoy Traveling The anticipation that builds, In the comfort of seeing your face

My notebook is shut. Until the wind swooshes & the pages flutter wildly. Here I find where I've scribbled memories of you. Here I find dried ink blotches Where my pen has run out of ink

Of all the medicine in the world. Her heart was the only remedy That went without prescription

The world and all it's riches are meaningless when it comes to you

I've always pictured that you were a city & all of the residents were mini versions of me. Walking around occupying the many spaces of your heart. sleepless in the way I love you

I've put my words between the beat of your heart. Just let the music play Our love has soul. Something you can feel

It wasn't so much her laugh, But the way she added so much color To everything around me. Even when things weren't so funny

No matter How far away my thoughts wander. They always come back to you. The hardest breath being how much You still mean to me and not being able to say a word

What if we played hide & seek; My heart taking the place of yours

You're like the evening tea. No matter where I am; Each sip an extended stay home. Soon as the seal is broken I know home isn't too far away. Your heart in a mug

And when the evening comes; I'll steep my heart over a warm fire and fall into the psalm of your hands

When I'd hold her; She'd light up. Exploding in my hand like a firecracker. If her lips were a stem. May all my kisses be the spark that denote her heart

If I held on to you any longer. Would the possibility of being strangers still exist. My tongue exchanging a look with your neck. Your eyes already a part of mine

She turned her phone on airplane mode; Tucking her face into the fold of my shirt. Unknowing to me that she was afraid of heights

When I cannot vocally Tell you. When I step outside & cannot see you. The night comes as a gentle reminder. I miss you most when you don't appear in the sky. I miss you most when the clouds cover you and take away your smile

Everyday with you is like having my favorite piece of candy. There is no amount of stress when you're around. There isn't a flavor of you I don't like. How can I not smile, shoveling a handful of you in my mouth

The days are bound to turn into weeks & the months into years. When this happens. You'll still be the reason I breathe. No matter the season

Everyday spent with you is like Unraveling the wrapper of my favorite snack. The first bite always reveals the best feeling. The last bite always leaving something to cherish

Take my lips & don't ever look back! As long as you live they are your forever

It wasn't the fact that I haven't seen you in so long. But all of the memories that came rushing back. Detail after detail like nothing ever happened

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