A Dead Man Says This Poem by Ravi Kopra

A Dead Man Says This

On the cremation grounds
The body of a dead man was turned into ashes
Except his skull, his hips and knee joints.

The large eye cavities
Stare at the mourners standing by and say -
You too one day will end up like this
Be virtuous and live a loving life.

நேரிசை வெண்பா

கழிந்தார் இடுதலை கண்டார்நெஞ் சுட்கக்
குழிந்தாழ்ந்த கண்ணவாய்த் தோன்றி - ஒழிந்தாரைப்
போற்றி நெறிநின்மின் இற்றிதன் பண்பென்று
சாற்றுங்கொல் சாலச் சிரித்து.49

- தூய்தன்மை, நாலடியார்
Ravi Kopra 23 March 2018

Dr. Kanniappan sahib, I enjoyed rendering your poem. You are a learned man with your medical knowledge. I tried to translate your other poems wherein your bring human anatomy to physical beauty and but could not understand fully what you were trying to say and stopped short lest I made too many changes to distort your thoughts. Keep writing. Maybe I will understand better later and simplify them putting a new garb on them. Regards.

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Kanniappan Kanniappan 23 March 2018

Hi Ravi Kopra, Good after noon! You made a wonderful poem simplified nicely what it was said nearly 400 - 500 years ago! Thank you. Yours sincerely, V.K.Kanniappan

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