Patricia Grantham Poems

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Rain Dance

The clouds began to turn a steely gray
It looks like rain as they begun to say
As the winds tossed them around and about
A downpour soon without a shadow of a doubt

Seasons Of Change

Trees begin to bare their limbs as their many leaves are shed
Chameleons changes color from the tail to the top of their head
Animals go into hibernation before the first cold winter blast
So it is with our lives we must never try to live in the past

My Mother, My Friend

You have given so much of yourself and still have more to share
When others closes their hearts to love you always seem to care
My mother, my friend how gracious you've shown your love to me
You give of your heart so freely for all of the world to see

The Homeless

Treading the highways and byways seemingly without a care
Walking about the streets alone nobody knows you're there
Pushing a cart so ladened with all of their earthly goods
Sleeping under a bridge at night or camping out in the woods

A Beautiful Flower

You held a dried flower then laid it on the cold ground
With your head bowed lowly the tears began to fall down
He felt your pain and sadness then said to you with a smile
Lift up your eyes unto the hills then live life on my child

Words Spoken

Kind words spoken is like health to the dry bones
If given with love and cheer and not with undertones
Like a cool drink of water that refreshes the arid soul
Bubbling up like a fountain filling the top of the bowl

Be Encouraged

When you have been inspired to do great things in life
The road ahead will be filled with many a trouble and strife
You've tried to succeed many times but always seem to fail
Maybe the path you have taken is worn so try another trail


Wake up and smell the sweet roses
Nice aromas wafting up your noses
Rise up from your slumbering sleep
Open the door and take a big peep

If Walls Could Talk

If walls could talk what would they say?
Anything and everything come whatever may
Forget about the past and live only for today
Life is very short and will soon pass away

The Earth Sings

The clouds bursting forth with their cascading rain
Fields overflowing with the harvest of golden grain

The shimmering sun radiantly showing all of its glory

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