Naomi Johnson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Interracial Love

Interracial Love

I found love, not within my race
but in another ethnic place

My Black Is Beautiful 1 (Woman)

From the diversity of my complexion's tone
and the uniqueness of my structured cheekbones.
My Black Is Beautiful!

The Strength Of A Woman

The strength of a woman is her kindhearted ways
that she forever displays.

It's her loving confident smile that takes you to the

Don't Judge The Color Of My Skin

Don't Judge the Color of My Skin

Don't judge me for the color of my skin.
But from the substance, I have within.

The Strength Of A Man

The strength of a man is his arms
that protect you and keep you warm.

It is his caring ways

A Woman Is Like A Rose

Softly smooth gentle to the eye.
Oh, so fragile and sweet to smell
a woman is a blessing from the sky.

My Black Is Beautiful (Man)

My Black Is Beautiful and it comes in
all shades even with a low-cut fade
from dreads, waves, and bald heads
that have been shaved.

Dreaming About You

I am picturing us floating on a cloud

gazing into each other eyes.

Never Give Up Pledge

I pledge I will never give up.
No matter what the odds may be
I will still pursue victory.
Even when it appears I can go no farther.

Thinking Of You

Sometimes, when one person like you is missing
in my presence, the entire world seems depopulated.
I miss you every night,
occasionally I will see you in my dreams.

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