Mugano S. Paul

Mugano S. Paul Poems

Love. Years ago I had a dream,
In this dream,
I dreamt about life and love,

in this thirst
i crave
for an uncommon Water

joyfully clad
in florally wreaths
little drummers,

One soul!
One nation!

Behold the devil plans

Dream on…
Dream on…
Dreams to be born,
Dreams so uncommon

may last
for the night,

I have seeds.

In my seeds,
The weeds

Fallen; Wedded
To sin that the first love
for Christ is lost.

When you wail
When you wait
When you talk
When you walk

Never thought I’d be thrown into the fire
But I have been put in brimstone fire
Because of 'my' desire

I face the door
Knowing that the One whom I adore
Will meet me at the door.

Would it be the most beautiful day?

How about the day
You were born?

you may
write me twisted lines!
paint me with every dirt!
throw dust in my eyes!

When I was an infant,
I spoke as an infant,
I reckoned as an infant;
when I became an adult,

thinkin of songs
i should sing
to you



Tears burn my eyes
Fears pierce my ears
‘cause you refuse

a passion

even if this be for a lifetime

as i wait

Dear Mr. Resident,
How do you feel
When you walk the street?
Talk as masses weep?

Mugano S. Paul Biography

I AM A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN born and bred in Uganda, Africa. I appreciate good works that uplift the name of the Most High God. I believe in Jesus as the only way, truth and life. I believe in God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the virgin birth, ministry, death and resurrection as well as the return of Jesus Christ. In my works, though not mine I labour to represent HIM who gives me life daily. Hopefully when this life is over, I will live again but to worship Him forever; God in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I stand against any form or manner of deviation from that which God the Almighty Creator has created us to be. I come againist drug abuse, sexual deviation; beastility, masturbation, samesex, pornography and others. I live a simple life trustng in God for all needs of my life and those around me. The lines or verses in here are but original save for where it is stated. I appear on the because I have been called to share.)

The Best Poem Of Mugano S. Paul

Lost Dream

Love. Years ago I had a dream,
In this dream,
I dreamt about life and love,
I took it so serious.

Empty. Now, I sit to hunt my dream,
But nothing comes to mind.
My inspiration left me,
No passion left to find.

Cut. Blank pages stare back at me,
My treasured dream,
Seems to have gone:
No path,
No depth, No heights,
No widths…
No song, No words.

Tears. If I had tears,
I’d cry the loss of my dream
But the pain has eaten them all.

Vacuum. The dream has been taken
To a place that doesn’t exist,

Dream. But when I dream again,
The passion will be rekindled,
and will begin to flow,
The peace-divine will over-flood…

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