maddy macleod

maddy macleod Poems

It is sad,
When you find that a friend will soon leave,
I mean leave for good,
Never come back,

If you try,
You can be anyone you want...

the wind stings your face
as you glide down the mountain side.
your skis are perfect.

A lost mind.
I'm confused.
'Make up your mind! ' I tell myself.
I can't, everyone says something different.

this is not an object,
not even describable by its name.
what is its meaning?

I offer you my help.
Like a lighthouse I will stand for your benefit.
I will guide you to safety.
If you need a place to go,

Would you just realize,
What I just realized,
That we'd be perfect for eachother,
and we'd never have to wonder,

Well as you can tell,
This is just another one of those poem thingies.

But I ask you,

Thank you for being good,
Thank you for being bad.

Thank you for being nice,

you never

i was there and i still am here

you held my hand.

i was with you
always thinking of what would come next.

i like him.
will he ever know?
i hope not,

so what did you get?
a B+!
is that good?
um, yes.

i found you!
eyes, laugh...
your funny and kind.

they thought she was suisidal.
of all people,

i can not wait,
to go to paradise.
a beautiful place
warm water, perfect surf,


What did I do to him,
That would give him the right
To say those things,


As myself I must say,
Please stay off of me!
I am now in pain.

The Best Poem Of maddy macleod

Cancer Of A Friend

It is sad,
When you find that a friend will soon leave,
I mean leave for good,
Never come back,

Does the responsibility
To us.
Let him go,
Or keep him for the last few months,
Of pain.

He walks into the room,
Pale and thin,
No one person speaks.
'Hi, it's nice to see you again! '
I say after a silence
that makes my friend,
I dare not ask how he feels
For I already know,
This may be his last visit...

maddy macleod Comments

Dear Maddy, U have talent and are writing very good short poems.What u have to do next is posting more..U r a lazy poet who can go for a higher status..Be posting... Hugs...

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