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Born in Jackson, Michigan in 1971, Christopher Thor Britt was the youngest child of Russell and Lynda Britt. After serving in the US Air Force for many years, he now lives with his wife, having enjoyed over 20 years of marriage, and his 10 year old son in South Florida, USA.

Chris studied poetry under Professor Michael Joyce at Jackson College, Michigan. Greatly influenced by 19th Century Romantic writers such as, Thoreau, Emerson, Longfellow, Lord Tennyson and Henley, he writes in the 'language of poetry' often without regard for the modern verbiage of his contemporaries.

His writing style is sometimes cryptic, sometime straight forward, but always honest.

'It is with a feeling of reckless abandon that I throw down now the chains of social expectation, cast off the shadow of the night and discard the many faces of an otherwise duplicitous nature to simply walk naked in the light of the sun; made vulnerable for all to see, but at least, at last I can breathe.'

(C.T. Britt,2005)
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