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Márcio-André became the first radioactive poet in the world in 2007, when he gave a poetry performance that lasted for hours in the still dangerously radioactive ghost town of Chernobyl. He made a name for himself as a translator, an anthologist and the joint founder and editor of the publishing house Confraria do Vento and the legendary Brazilian webzine for poetry and culture, Confraria (March 2005–February 2009). Since 2009, he has lived in Lisbon, and in 2010 and 2011 he was the organiser and presenter of Cidade aTravessa, a series of literary multimedia events in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Lisbon.
He makes appearances as a poet and as a sound and image artist at festivals, exhibitions and site-specific events in many countries, employing different media such as video art, installations, performances and visual and sound poetry. All these activities are inseparable from his experimental approach to poetry, which he treats as a dynamic multimedia process that only genuinely comes alive in performance.
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