RoseAnn V. Shawiak Loss Poems

Alone In Loss

Hearing a voice coming from some unknown source,
touching my mind carefully with a gentle hand.

Loss Of An Uncle

Chasing ideas around the countryside, attempting to corner
them in inventions of technology.
Ending all beliefs that meet and find their way into poems
through musical interludes.

Sincerity Of Loss

Tears falling as a sad song is being played, strumming a
guitar and singing words of a lost love.

Being heartfelt, touched by the sincerity of a great loss,

Tears Of Loss

Going back to a place frequented daily in the past saddens
us, memories are happy, yet instantly bring tears to our
eyes, because they are no longer alive.

Processing Loss

Loss affects everyone at one time or another, under different

We all grieve in ways known only to each individual, there

Reddened Loss

Reaching out across a span of time, emptiness fills every-

Always soothing echoes of the past, life floats by, never

Bitterness Of Loss

Bittersweet are tears of sorrow.
Our minds are filled with sweet, gentle memories of
life together while our hearts overflow with the

Transparent Loss

Staring into space, nothing focused, transparent heartaches
held within.

Thoughtful burial of life's second chance, turned around and

Circle Of Loss

Adjusting interior patterns, allowing them to combine and
blend with rhythms of innate music, capturing, fulfilling
and becoming a new design of ingenuity and achievement.

Still Tears Of Loss

Silence penetrates my being thoroughly for I am so empty,
wishing you were here again with me, living has ceased to
begin without you my dear.

Sacred Tears Of Loss

Heart beating rhythms of yesterday's love, missing you so
terribly, wishing we were still together today, all the
moments we've shared, touching this mind and heart with
their sacred tears of loss today.

Rising From Ashes Of Heartbreak And Loss

Walking tightropes of rhythmic beats that twist and turn in
min-air like a tightrope walker himself, stretching, reach-
ing within for the intensity of beliefs.

Feeling Loss Of Life

Spiralling through life, finding ways to enter hidden canyons,
echoing voices beyond the black curtains of death, so gently
they're heard, feeling their loss of life intensely.

Blinded By Loss

Lengthening shadows crowd around us when sorrow and
grief come upon our lives.

Ending the peace, joy and happiness that we've felt,

Living In Tears Of Loss

Departing feelings leaving me bereft, noting that
there's a deep silence touching my interior life
and no one else knows of it.

Moments Of Loss

Silent thoughts triggering moments of loss from yesterday,
touching upon memories of this heart, tears well hidden
for years.

Loss Follows Us

Flowing like a river through our lives is loss following
us throughout the years, a steady stream of tears, hidden
within our beings.

Reluctant Journey Of Loss

Sprinkling tears of sorrow throughout our lives, loss takes
us on a journey, reluctant as it is, to teach us about the
joy and beauty of it's birth and passing.

Catching At Heartstrings Of Loss

With every song being sung, memories begin to flow down-
stream, catching at times on heartstrings of loss once
upon a time.

Sounds Of Loss

Softly, silently grasping onto a melody of sadness reverberating
within, touching heartstrings of sorrow, playing them gently with
sounds of loss that inspire this poetical mind.

Seeing Through Loss

Trailing fingers through memories, reliving them graciously
and gratefully, wanting nothing more than to live them over
again and again.

Living In The Hell Of Loss

Emptiness filling me inside as I drift into another world of
loneliness tonight, beside myself with grief, loss filling
my mind at the death of another cousin of mine.

Refuting Loss

Attitudes of sadness penetrate consciousness, rising and
falling with feelings of abandonment left beneath layers
of this heavy heart.

Saddened By My Loss In Loved Ones Lives

Romping through fields of roses, their aromas reaching my mind
and senses as I walk through their beautiful landscapes fig-
uratively and imaginatively.

Loss Of Yesterday's Love

Thinking of yesterday and how different it is from the present,
having lost both parents, most Aunts except two, Uncles are gone,
some cousins also.

Rain Forest Of Loss And Grief

Rhythms tapping, taking tempos in a synchronized beating
of the drums, guitars accompanying them in a lively and
exciting tempo.

A Sadness Of Loss

Mind doing the backstroke while swimming across
the surface of an evening ocean, stars twinkling
their good nights upon earth.

Moist Sense Of Loss And Grief

Sensing something happening below sounds of rhythms as they
soar and fly out into the atmosphere freely and at liberty
to do whatever they feel like in measures of chords.

Tracing Reality Of Loss

There's no way to find the path to enlightenment when
going through death's embrace.

Sorrow finding it's way into my heart, a genuine heart-

Experiencing Loss

Life wasting away while a person is trying to find their
way, having a very difficult time, not able to see or un-
derstand anything while experiencing it.

Knowing The Truth Of Your Loss

Crossing ravines of life, searching for the beauty that
I lost when you left me, my dear.

Solemn, eyes tearing constantly as memories continue to

Death And Loss

Scathing and burning inside past memories that are more
like nightmares through time.

Death and loss scraping against my heart, lessening it's

Isolating In Loss

Immersed in sorrow, heart breaking, tears unable to
fall from eyes and soul full of them.

Feelings and emotions pulling us in every direction,

Biting Loss

Sorrow suddenly finding it's way onto pathways of poetry,
acknowledging facts and data of tremendous loss through-
out life.

Knowing Their Loss

Flowers dried and brown, lying crumpled in a vase out of
the way and in a corner.

Bothering no one, lying in their death, wishing to have

No Reason For Loss

Interpreting sounds of music into poetry, intellect
surpassing itself in these endeavors.

Always keeping time with rhythms, chords spelling

No End To Loss

This life is full of anger and sadness, caused by
it's turmoil and suffering, mainly because of loss
and it's total bereavement in years of life lived

Loss Of Friendship

Watching a friend who has turned his back and walked
away, listening to rumors of a heartless and mean-
spirited person, taking them to heart.

Stemming From Loss

Carrying burdens and grief throughout the years,
jumping hurdles, climbing mountains and drowning
in oceans of tears.

Fulfilling Loss

Trying to go on even though you are gone, doing my
best, yet life has died within and I cannot revive
it, having no interest in even doing so.

Tears Of My Loss

Circles of life have been wrung out by death's embrace
and now there's nothing left to do but fall into it's
circumference, missing you.

Intense Loss

Feelings of loneliness drip into a mind, stirring a
heart into remembering those whom he loved.
Lamenting their loss, visiting their graves with
flowers and prayers.

A Friend's Loss

Strumming the harp of intense sorrow as it tugs at his
heart incessantly.

Keeping awake with floods of tears, soaking pillows

Imminent Loss

Nowhere thoughts settling in for the long haul, recognizing
sadness and betrayal.

Despondent heart softly held within, faced with another

Apparent Loss

Recognizing patterns of lonely sorrow, as they travel through
this heart and brain, identifying themselves purposely on
their way through.

Nightmare's Impending Loss

Lost my heart, hope to die, life is an empty canvas
devoid of color, nothing to be painted on it again.

Effects Of Loss

Rivers flowing in wrong directions as I watch,
sitting back, wondering why they are doing so.

Carefully selecting rhythms, hoping to see the


A deep abyss has stretched itself out these many
months, leaving an empty darkness filling the

Loss Of A Lifetime

Driving it home in a song of uncontained love left dying on the concrete sidewalk.
Everyone walking by, not noticing the pain a person is going through as they die inside from the loss of a lifetime.
Being taken from someone you've loved all your life is devastating and unable to be held inside.
A torrent of tears fall quickly, soaking the ground with intense suffering, leaving a hole in a now empty heart.

A Heart Of Loss

Qualities of refinement settle within,
reverberating against canyon walls of

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