Kevin Fisher

Kevin Fisher Poems

They say that there is good and evil in everyones heart
With me theres more
It feels like inside my mind is a neverending war
Some are good

Trapped like a bird in a cage
Never to be freed
Twenty years have past and I've bottled up all my rage
No visitors and nothing to do so I watch as I make myself bleed

Everyone is born so innocent
As your body ages your darkness raises
Your good is gone and you begin to try to repent
Repent for all your past sins

I told myself it would be just one prick
Sticking it in felt so good
I took out the needle
Only for a second

Her eyes are greater then any treasure on this earth
There more beautiful then an emarald
Looking into thoughs eyes is like swimming in a large ocean of green
They are the most beautiful things I've ever seen

We demons can't love
We demons can't cry
We have no true feelings at all
We are hunters

When you come around my body trembles
It becomes hard to think and hard to speak
My heart begins to beat
It goes faster and faster

I was nothing more then a drunk, drug abuser who hurt himself
I remember stabbing myself over and over with a needle just for a line of cocaine
I heard voices in my head telling me to hurt myself for drugs
I saw people dieing all around me getting killed by gangs or ODing drugs

She has a heart of glass and she left it in my hands
I know I must be careful for it can easily be broken
We have a long conversation yet every word was unspoken
I hold onto your glass heart gently

F**k the world and all who inhabit it
I love them not, yet some love me still
They love me still, but I hate them greatly
F**k them

I tried to take my life
But she came and took my knife
She said everything would be ok
And that nothing is worth taking your life away

I walk this lonely road
No cars and no sign of life
The black burning street melting my flesh
I run to what looks to be a person but its only a mirage

You walk into his chamber
The smell is horrible but the sight is worse
Humans dangling from the ceiling on hooks
Men and women, some living others dead


Oh my love how I love thee
Hand on thy cheek and our lips are touching
Slideing my hand to thy bosoms
Hurry to me anon

Is sorry enough to right your own wrongs
Is sorry enough to fully be forgiven
Is sorry meaningful or is there no point at all
Is sorry special or just a word

Though these cuts aren't deep, there deep enough to bleed
Its the blood I really need
Scars can be seen on my body but its the mental scars that should be seen
All this f**ked up s**t thats stuck in my mind

Run up quickly and I'll slit your f**king throat
I'll make a small gash on your stomach
Then I'll finish by tearing your flesh from the gash to your neck
Break your rib cage and rip out your heart

They were little people only a few centameters tall
If you wasn't paying attention you wouldn't see them at all
They are all looking at me with their dark and leering eyes
What could have caused this I wondered

Your knees begin to shake
Your lip starts to quiver
Nothing but silence as I'm cutting out your liver
Your pain is my pleasure

Love is a lie
A myth
They say they love you but they always cheat

Kevin Fisher Biography

Just a simple man who loves fighting and writing nothing more nothing less my work is random some lovely others dark and brutal my nickname is Kiza Raizen The Demon of Blood and just a warning my real versions of some of my poems had to much cussing so I had to make them appropreate for this site so sorry you can't get the full effect.Edgar Allan Poe is my biggest inpiration his work is amazing greatest auther ever.)

The Best Poem Of Kevin Fisher

A War Inside My Mind

They say that there is good and evil in everyones heart
With me theres more
It feels like inside my mind is a neverending war
Some are good
Others are evil
Yet some who just want to fight
This mental war is killing me slowly
Please let it end tonight
Day after day my head is pounding
I no longer care who wins
I don't care if its my good or happiness
Or even my worst of sins
This war may only end when I do
I feel this day is near
Suicide is for the weak
So I'll die very naturally
By a war inside my mind

Kevin Fisher Comments

Hazel Hale 28 November 2009

kevin if you ever need my help as a friend and even if you dont i will still try to help and i am so sorry love kayla s stifel(yes i got married well i am engeged)

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rock as writer..... keep it up.

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