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It is my true mind,
And untainted heart talking;
I never do Poetry,
I just put my heart on paper…

“I can not teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.”

I have never claimed that I am a poet. I am just a thinker and I believe; anyone who can think and can make others think; can do poetry. Anyone who can hear the cuckoo’s song, and can sing the unheard melodies; can do poetry. Anyone who can feel the pain of loss, and knows the ecstasy of love; can do poetry. Poetry can’t be learned or taught, unless it is running in our veins.

I have never tried to follow any rules; I do poetry as it comes to me. I believe; and can feel the presence of some Higher Power, while writing my mind, heart and soul on paper. Sometimes I lose my rhythm, and then I realize that I have lost balance in my thoughts. Sometimes I can find that balance in the nature around me, and sometimes I get more confused. Rhythm is always secondary to thought, and it is definitely the music of nature. And every thought can be rhythmic, if we have a creative sense of music in our souls. To do good poetry the ability to sense and thirst to explore the Truth and Virtue is as vital as Oxygen to life. If we don't have that sense and thirst of Truth and Virtue inside us, no matter how rhythmic we are; we can never do good poetry. And the central to all; one must be as free as a bird in the infinite sky, while doing poetry; which is not always possible. And I must say that eve..
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