Joshua Burgos

Joshua Burgos Poems

Wishing everything can be
hugs and kisses
Been hurt so many times there's no
longer a need for stitches

Started off happy
with laughs and smiles
started off close but
the distance turned into miles

None could get
yet many pursued
Men would try but,
they were quickly subdued

Such a common feeling
for me these days
I've become accustomed
to things going disarray

Told myself I
would never change
But I didn't notice that
my persona would rearrange


As I lie awake
I think of you
when I sleep
I dream of us two

Lock my self away in
the dark corridors of seclusion
To escape this devious
world of delusion

Joshua Burgos Biography

I'm only 17 but I view the world with a mature outlook. I started writing poems at the age of 13 and now its somewhat of an outlet since I can't play football anymore. I don't really have much to say I just ask that you read and comment my poems please.)

The Best Poem Of Joshua Burgos


Wishing everything can be
hugs and kisses
Been hurt so many times there's no
longer a need for stitches

A program with a
very bad glitch
The virus is like a disease so there's no cure
just time to turn off the switch

They didn't need to unplug me
for I no longer have an outlet
People won't listen yet
they still say lets talk about it

Often I question why I
was assigned to the planet
Wishing I wasn't here so
I take my spot for granite

People are like a disease so
I built up my Immunities
Became cold hearted for
no one has been warm to me

The night has overcome the day
My light has gone out so
I can no longer see the way

Longing to be happy like
a child on a carousel
Yet my heart is like a flower
with torn off pedestals
So I built up walls to
make it impenetrable

Yet my moments of despair has
left me a great deal of knowledge
To me its more valuable then a
student who's had 8 years in college

For they say when your heart is
broken you become a man
Now I won't sit even tho this
pain I can't stand

To other people it
would be unbearable
But my strength and wisdom
has left me unbreakable...

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