Joseph James Breunig 3rd Poems

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Poem: Ontological Dependence

Can I ever appreciate metaphysical studies
on the very nature of being and existing,
without consideration of God my Creator,
when I’m an extension of His breathing?

Poem: Strength Under Control

Blessed are the mild and long-suffering,
for they alone shall inherit the earth;
their happiness and contentment comes…
from only understanding their Godly worth.

Poem: Called To Worship (Vii)

It’s the dawning of a new day
and my heart can’t help but sing;
Your grace and tender mercies flow
from the eternal realm of my King.

Poem: Spiritual Secret (Broken Vessel)

With the inherent power of divine words,
I can wield spiritual swords of strength.
Although His presence can reside within me,
I must recognize His plan and truly see…

Poem: Called To Holiness

Moving away from unholiness is attainable,
by modifying and monitoring your godless behavior.
Know that you’re called into fellowship with Him;
begin mirroring the traits of our blessed Savior.

Poem: Untroubled Heart

Without faith, it’s impossible to please God.
And yet, He’s the rewarder of those who seek Him.
Know that Jehovah bequeathed His peace to us
and His perfect Love casts out unfounded fear.

Poem: Necessity Of Virtues

People may question the necessity of virtues,
yet they embody virility, life and beauty.
These traits aid the development of character,
while complementing the scope of Christian duty.

Poem: Another Season Of Spring

Another season of Spring is here
and again I’m one with the shiny rake.
Will this new tool survive the year,
before in my hand, it eventually breaks?

Poem: A Serving Of Proverbs 16

The best way to demonstrate wisdom,
is speak with kindness and insight.
Develop the habit of faith and prayer
to truly strengthen one’s inner light.

Poem: Wild Zebras At Play?

Can you spot those wild zebras,
trotting across noisy plains of green?
Can you spy them with binoculars,
huddling together in familiar scenes?

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