Joe Fraccalvieri

Joe Fraccalvieri Poems

That she makes no attempt at poetry
would be better to say of the spoken word
she has thrown forth
as having the affect

There once was a bird who didn't know he could fly
He didn't even know who he was… there were no others nearby
But then one day, as he looked up at the sky
He saw birds, like himself… There… Way up high

Do we not keep time with faithful clocks…
Moor our ships, by the shore, beside dry wooden docks?
When we sleep, do we dream below the same yellow stars
Are we here, on a planet, between Venus and Mars?

Why do I even bother to pray...
When, after all… You already know
What I'm getting ready to say


There are things which can‘t be measured
By scales or rules… By schools of fools…
Instruments, tools, or time--
The extent of hope, the weight of despair,


It takes but a single shaft of candlelight,
for darkness to be defied...
A simple sound, though very slight, and silence is denied
The softest touch from the one you love

When the music disappears...
When the melody melts to the sound of colored wind chimes
and settles itself within nostrils of the wind...
Living in breezes that flow like blood

I've no reason to question the dark
Nor does my mind ponder upon light
My brain does not stand back
and question the existence of such things


The lives we share are like clothes we wear,
in shades of black and brown--
blue and green... colors in between...
That certain grin of a circus clown

Freedom to laugh, in the face of fear
when you'd rather do that than pray

Freedom to cry or to shed just a tear


the mind
processing thought
possessing flight
proceeding forth with the speed of light

The world was consumed by Satan-- the Liar
Men's faith was entombed… Christ's body, exhumed
The Church and its Pope, placed on a pyre
I witnessed a land that was filled with disease

There's nothing to keep… Nothing to own
Even the things that we reap,
are not ours to be sown

New shovel--
Feel its weight
Stab the earth
Splattered mud-- its blood

That's what they said--
in whispers, they spoke-- soft, and low

Hearing their voices inside my head


He might have died during that first day
Maybe it was he who was the first casualty,
killed on the battlefield--
by the very shot heard 'round the world…

I face an uphill battle--
each time I go to war
I hear the sabers' rattle…
I fear the cannon's roar

And when the day is over… they will come home… and say
Look-- the wind was here
Do you not see how the things upon this table have been moved

On silver wings you'll see him sail
with eagle's claw and falcon's tail

On atomic rockets he will stride

There in the background-- among familiar faces
where they take you-- bewildered, blind, and bound
Never sharing with you the faintest clue
Never leaving behind any traces...

The Best Poem Of Joe Fraccalvieri

How Is It I Could Love Her?

That she makes no attempt at poetry
would be better to say of the spoken word
she has thrown forth
as having the affect
of fingernails across chalkboard

How is it I could love her? ...
My face most certainly resembles that of a drunkard
whose palate anticipates the taste of a fine burgundy
and gets a mouthful of vinegar instead

Her words, while colorful in themselves,
become muddled and muddied with each application
At first glance, her stanzas take you along rolling rivers,
only to dash you upon the rocks,
leaving you shipwrecked and bewildered--
wondering where you were headed to begin with

How is it I could love her? ...
Her poetic script piled up high upon the floor--
Loose rags waiting to be separated
into coloreds and whites
Her neatly folded sentences are missing socks--
Some still clinging to the cashmere sweater
that should never have been in the wash

How is it I could love her? ! ...
Her verses are empty oyster shells to my eyes
Her words on paper hang in my mind
like the twang of some toothless hillbilly
Her voice could make cats wince
The tension in her throat produces sounds
that no human ear should ever have to hear

So I wonder... Why do I love her? ?

Then morning comes
And I'm awakened by her movements beside me in bed
And I remember-- THAT's her poetry! !

Joe Fraccalvieri Comments

Joe Fraccalvieri Quotes

Humanity is an emotional response to an inorganic universe. Religion is its conscience. Language, its lore. And poetry-- folly.

In Karate, I would teach how to kick... But someone without legs could not learn.

I never wished that I could have done more. My only regret would be that I should have done more...

There's nothing to reap from those things we have sown. God smiles down upon us from his mighty throne... Knowing that we can't even keep what we think we own. It's all been from Him... It's all been on loan.

Our time on this world is, at best, very brief... Like the twig holding gently the quivering leaf. But grand is our pleasure... And great is our grief. For breath is the treasure... And death-- the thief!

You've heard it said, ‘You can't live on Love alone'. Well… You can't live on air alone-- or on bread and water, alone. We need them all to live. But what is it worth, to live at all? ... Without Love.

I tire of being referred to as, 'him' or 'you'-- 'hey' or 'he'... So, from now on, you may refer to me as, 'Your Majesty'!

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