Jessica Nobubele Frame

Jessica Nobubele Frame Poems

I don’t care what skin you’re in
You’re my brother
And I love you

African Mama as she struts down the catwalk
African mama with that multi-colored headdress
Vuluptuous woman
Independant woman

How can we speak of justice?
How do we proclaim it aloud?

In the morning I wake
To the beautiful sound of choruses and melodies
I wake to the sound of the crisp breeze against my tender cheeks

What makes you think you can talk to me like that
Violate my vulnerability
Mock me with your careless tongue and cold stares

You mean so much to me
Your smile
Your openness and strength
It bring such joy to my heart

I chose to hope again today
To believe in beauty,
In sunsets,
In the rain

Feeling threatened
She hides away in the corners

This life
I dedicate this life to someone greater
To someone higher
Someone wider

Monday sister left
Tuesday she didn't speak to me

Wednesday they killed foreigners

I could write a poem about friendship
and it would be as sweet as cinamin
as warm as a fireplace

South Africa I read about your pain in my History books
I’ve listened to countless stories of the struggle days
And was appalled at the way my “ancestors” treated people
How whites thought of themselves as better than blacks

I’m sitting here
Sitting here in the clouds
As the patch work,

The African sun beats down upon her
It scorches her skin with unrelenting cruelty
That skin that once was as soft as innocence
Now tells tails of a life full of hardship

Crazy about life
I walk this mile long road just to keep from breaking
High on existence
I sing until my lungs cry for freedom

I see the Beauty of God in you because you are unique
You were made by the King
Every part of you was delicately designed by the Creator


The harsh sunlight shines down on you now
It beats down on you in the scorching heat of mid day

You have nowhere to go

Jessica Nobubele Frame Biography

born in Cape Town, South Africa. dream of traveling, but for now, i love my country and all the diverse culture in people. love God. seeking authentic change in my life and in the lives of others. Poetry is just one of the ways i express myself and make sense of life.)

The Best Poem Of Jessica Nobubele Frame

Brothers, Sisters

I don’t care what skin you’re in
You’re my brother
And I love you

I don’t care how messed up its bin
You’re my sister
And I love you

The past
Its history
He’s won the victory
You’re my brother
My sister
I love you

South African
Through and through
Should have Gone through pain and sorrow with you
My brothers and sisters
I love you

I watched as people discriminated
They ostracized
The pride
The pain
My brother
My sister
Love hurts

But by Christ we see
It’s the only way it should be
Sacrifice fuels our hearts
It sets us ablaze
For you
I will risk it

Our citizenship
On paper- False
But in our hearts- the rebirth certificate
A citizenship not of this world

Made one by Christ
We’re together
No more divides
My brother and sister
I love you

How can I just stand by?
How can I live my life without loving you?
You’re my brother
You’re my sister
And I love you

By his scars we are made one
By his bruises set free
He accepts us as we are
Broken and battered
He loves us at the greatest cost
So why should I hold back?
How can I?

With such knowledge all I can do is love you
My brother and my sister

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