Javier Falcon

Javier Falcon Poems

I am guilty of all sins,
since the first day I met you,
and deeply fell in love with you,
as you made my world turn.

A mist of joy surrounds the area,
all those caught inside endure the most precious gift,
the one of having the most treasured emotion;
and having the one they truly love.

When you sit and think,
you take into account of much;
Life is tremendously not worthwhile.
Off are the thoughts,

Flowing through my life like a river,
you provide that tranquility,
the ever constant path and rhythm.
You are all I could of asked for.

Almost never found,
But gorgeous at first sight,
Seen from a point of view almost no one has,
Obscure to the common sight,

Many say that I have changed,
that I am not the one they saw before.
Others say that somehow I have softened,
that the gleam of love is apparent in my eyes.

There are many thing which I like,
each depending on how you make me feel,
that fear it gives you, when you think you're going under,
and you have no clue if you will come out or not,

I sit at the edge of the sea,
just throwing pebbles in,
thinking of each one as they go,
thinking back at everything I've been taught,

Running in the darkness
lost deep in my past,
I feel how hands pull me further
into this thick sinking mass.

I love you since at night you cuddle with me,
I love you because you have always been the same person I met,
I love you since you are what keeps me moving on,
I love you since with you I can laugh,

In my years of life I have traveled the world,
seeing every place people call special,
seeing what others see and call unique,
items which are priceless and beautiful.

In a corner I cower in fear,
sitting with my head between my knees,
my arms tightly wrapped over me,
as the shadows creep in, watching me.

En lo mas profundo de pecho,
se revuelve lo mas lindo de los sentimientos,
con esta conmocion se forma una conexion.
La cual cede el cuerpo a una temptacion,

In as far deep of your chest,
Stir the most beautiful of feelings,
with this commotion a connection will form.
The body gives away into temptation,


As I walk through this maze,
I sense my whole body drenched,
in a holy water which gives me peace,
and opens the door to relaxation.

Tempted to ask you your name,
to introduce myself to you,
give you a kiss on the cheek,
showing you my interest.

As I look you in the eyes,
I can only turn my face,
as I must tell you something,
that I am not the one you know.

In those moments of life,
where light doesn't seem to shine,
as shadows corrode your thoughts,
causing pain and havoc;

Known you for so long,
yet I don't even know your last name,
so many things I still don't know.
What is your favorite color?

As the rain falls over me, I stand here,
yet you are not currently by my side,
even so I do no longer frustrate myself,
on what might of happen in the past, just think.

Javier Falcon Biography

Just someone trying to get through life.)

The Best Poem Of Javier Falcon

7 Deadly Sins

I am guilty of all sins,
since the first day I met you,
and deeply fell in love with you,
as you made my world turn.

As lust has conquered me,
having you always on my mind,
dreaming with you in every way,
wanting to make you all mine.

As I have been glutton,
not having enough of you,
always wanting more of you,
not sharing you with anyone.

As greed has been inevitable,
needing you to be with me,
not giving people time around you,
always having you by my side.

Being called a sloth,
since I do not love god,
as I have no room in my heart,
since it is all dedicated to you.

Going through the wave of wrath,
taking my anger out on all out there,
which have hurt you in any way,
securing you from all harm.

Feeling loads of envy,
not wanting you to leave me,
pushing everyone around you away,
as I keep you tightly in my arms.

Looking around having pride,
as I am the one which has you,
feeling special that I have such a gem,
a limitless fortune which I love.

Yet I have a great hurt inside,
so I say if loving you is a sin,
then I will meet you in hell,
and burn slowly by your side.

Javier Falcon Comments

Sara Mesghennà 25 March 2015

I read all of your poems in a short amount of time because they really simply amazing. I love what you write and the way you do it makes he difference from other people.

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May Namoc 13 August 2008

Javier Falcon is an excellent poet who uses his emotions and brings them to life in his words. he is sweet, loving, full of emotion, and strong and it shows in his work. his words truly sweep me off my feet, making me feel watever emotion was embedded in his poems. A truly wonderful poet who has a wonderful gift. He will go far! ^^ wish u luck, hunn. <3

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