Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Lonely Young Boy Herds Some Cattle

In the open veldt
a lonely young six year old boy
herds some cattle
and follows them as they are grazing


Lord, you rescued my nation
when a onslaught of thousands of Zulu’s
came at Blood River
against less than five hundred

Freedom (In Answer To A.G. Visser)

Lord, You have formed our nation,
out of various nations You have built the Afrikaner nation
and led them miraculously to here.

Tracks (In Answer To A.G. Visser)

Lord, as a child I looked
at the tracks of the Voortrekker wagons
that was cut into rock banks

The Voice

Woman whom I loved once,
now you call me, tell me
that you have changed through the years.

We Couldn’t Find Spinach Anywhere

We couldn’t find spinach anywhere,
not at the Fruit and Veg
or other green grocers
or even at chain stores

At The Okavango Swamp

It was in the Okavango swamp
that the dark ghoul came at night
and passed so near
that I could smell its stinking breath.

You Break Every Cliché (A Reply To Octavio Paz)

As I turn the magazine’s page
I see your lovely face
catching my eyes
like a morning glory opening

War Poet

They who do not themselves fight the battle,
who err as mere humans
has got the power to call up boys
with innocent noble ideals

Before The Storming Of The Casinga Trenches

The past was going in seconds
while I was being sheltered
behind a small wall, with bullets,
mortars and rockets

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