Emma Beverage

Emma Beverage Poems

My mind is turning into scrambled eggs!
What is x and y to the power of three?
Whole numbers, mixed numbers and absolute,
exponents, integers and factoring trees.

The sun rises into the sky,
chasing the sleepy from my eyes.
I take a moment in my head,
to say prayers while in my bed.

Half listening to the radio
tonight in my solitude.
A song plays that I don't know.
the singer is unknown too.

Black widow spider
patiently spins
her web so inviting
she bids you

Deep in the canyons of my mind
there lives a tranquil, happy time
my aspirations they did soar
my active mind was never bored

They crucified sweet Jesus, they spat in his face.
They beat his body, until it looked like bloody lace.
Jesus came here to teach us, that judgment is HIS.
If we believed that - - - the world would not be like it is.

Come on now; let’s go fetch some water
grab a pail in each hand and let’s go.
Down the hill, to the pond in the holler,
then we’ll climb back up the hill with that water!

these hands of mine
are strong, and kind
rough, working hands,
they’ve paid their dues.

(This is not a self pity Poem,
it is a that is just the way it is Poem.)

Dear Faith Hill and Tim McGraw,

paper edge

We will have peace

When each and every one of us,
completely understands…

by Emma Beverage

They left him there

Rush, rush, got to go,
can't stop now, can't take it slow
Work, work, study, study,
always something, to keep me busy.

When things don't work out
like you wanted them to,
it leaves one very confused.
We must mull over all of the why's

How many dawns
have I greeted?
How many more
Remain for me?

A small pink shell
on sun warmed sand,
struggles against the waves.
One leaf on a tree

Quick – quick
Give me paper, pencil.
Is that how she did it.

Yin and yang,
good and evil,
light and dark,
modern art.

Goddess please, I ask of you,
each and every hour.
Help me to shut my mind to
what does not give me power.

When things don't work out
like you wanted them to,
it leaves one very confused.
We must mull over all of the why's

Emma Beverage Biography

I was born and raised in Roswell, NM and yes, I believe that the alien crash of '47' is true. We had so many weather balloons in that area that even as a child we knew what a weather balloon was. Therefore, the claims by the military that a military trained man could mistake a weather balloon for an alien craft are ludicrous. I drove an eighteen wheeler for thirty-five years. I enjoyed my trucking career until it reached the point that we were being pushed so hard that we were not supposed to stop to get a shower everyday. At that point I decided that a mule has sense enough to know when they have done enough work. A mule will stop, refusing to work any more when they feel that they have worked enough. Nothing the farmer can do will make the mule continue to work if the mule decides that they are through working. I decided that I was at least as smart as a mule and I decided to start doing civil disobedience. I refused to cooperate in my own enslavement. I had also listened to the guys complain for years but they did not seem capable of organizing effectively to do anything about the work conditions. I decided to do what was right on my own and not wait for the guys to organize. I was an excellent driver so it took them about fifteen years but they did eventually get me blackballed because of my 'attitude! ' My bad attitude was and is the same kind of 'attitude' that made this country in the first place. “Give me liberty or give me death! ” I have moved on and am working on my associate’s degree at Rose State College, where I am an 'Honor' student. I am also taking the documentation that I put together over the last twenty years of my trucking career and I am writing a book about my trucking experiences and the kinds of things that trucking companies do to drivers who will not conform. The things that they do to drivers in their efforts to force them to conform are unbelievable. I want to get people started talking openly about this issue. I know the guys think that they must live up to the code of silence because they are afraid of losing their careers if they speak up. A very real fear based in that fact that that is exactly what will happen to the first brave souls who stand their ground. But they cannot silence and intimidate everyone forever. I urge the drivers to trust your Higher Power will provide and speak up anyway. Your silence does not protect you, it protects your abusers! Drivers are not the only persons who can speak to this issue. Waitresses who must serve the drivers who come into their places of work smelling like they are homeless can also testify that this is happening. Dock hands who deal with drivers every day can speak up and help to expose the American public to the fact that slavery is alive and well and flourishing in the American trucking industry right here in America today. Ex driver’s who respected themselves enough to go find a job that treated them better can still speak up about their experiences in trucking. I cannot be the only person in the United States that see’s that slavery is thriving in the United States today. Employees in truck stops all across America can help to expose the duplicity of our government invading a country, crying out “Freedom” while enslaving their own citizens! People who know the truth, I implore you, SPEAK UP!)

The Best Poem Of Emma Beverage

Math Poem

My mind is turning into scrambled eggs!
What is x and y to the power of three?
Whole numbers, mixed numbers and absolute,
exponents, integers and factoring trees.

Terms, expressions and what is the root?
It all sounds like Greek to me.

I must write a poem for another class.
I’m running out of time much too fast.
So I’ll talk about digits and my reaction,
while I attempt to work these equations.

Mixed operations in an expression
must be done in the following manner.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally,
to help me remember the proper order.

Parentheses, exponents, multiplication,
addition or subtraction,
that is the order of proper action
for solving math, numbers and fractions.

With fractions when I multiply
it is best to quickly simplify,
the denominators remain the same
these do not need to change.

If fractions I add or subtract
I must remember it works like this,
each denominator must be the same
then add the top like a list.

Multiply two positives they remain just that.
Two negatives will spoil the batch.
Mixed signs will keep the minus too,
keep this in mind or stay confused.

I wish that I could remember more
But that is as far as I have gotten.
Off to bed I must go,
or tomorrow I will feel rotten.


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