The Poet is a psychologist and educationist. He was educated in Edinburgh, Malaysia, Singapore and in Pennsylvania, USA. Holder of a M.Ed., Dip. Ed-D in Education and Advanced Psychology and Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree, he held various top academic and professional appointments. He has worked as a psychologist in a Scottish clinic and headed the guidance and counselling departments in the Ministry of Education and the PR departments in the Police and the Singapore Armed Forces, Director of Nanyang University and the American College and Executive Vice-President of the International Schools and IBM Education Centre in Singapore. An army Major in the Singapore Artillery in his younger days, he became the Chief of the Education and Public Relations Department and Chief Education Officer of the Singapore Armed Forces and later joined the University administration as DVC, after which he retired as a Property Developer. An accomplished poet, Chinese calligrapher, ballroom dancer (Gold Star) , and author of many publications, he was well known in the art and literary circles overseas, particularly in China where he spent his retirement years. Among other duties, as Chief Education Officer of the Singapore Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior and Defence, he set up the National Education Branch in 1966 and launched the National Education Programme and the Leadership Training Programme for officers and men in the Singapore Armed Forces.
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