David Smart

David Smart Poems

My Betty

When my Betty comes out to play
Running along with her happy face,

Across the misty fields at even tide
I hear the bells from by the riverside
And feel the chilly Autumn breezes blow
Like whispered memories of long ago.

While the West wind blows so warm
In the dark before the dawn
Song birds sleep with heads beneath
Their wings.

They loved their Scottish homelands
Their scented English glades
They loved their great Welsh mountains
And the Irish summer rains

The Death of the Elven King

In the dawning of the days

Hairy Mary

A farmer's young daughter named Mary,
Whose legs were excessively hairy,

To the Sun

Across the vale I see the setting sun:
The clouds are touched with golden flecks of fire

Uncle Sid

I never knew my uncle Sid
He was my father's brother.

Last night I dreamed that you were here,
Your beauty filled my eyes,
My arms enfolded you, my dear,
I did not hear your lies.

Man, the spoiler, sets his hand
Against the sea, against the land.
Fills the air with noxious fume,
Crowds the earth till there's no room.

Monstrous shapes against the splintered night
Black on black.

Pachydermous movement, ponderous, ponders.

Across the deeps of space they marched,
Men in all their glory,
Second to none.

Down into the deeps
The realm of everlasting night.
No day dawns
No sun sets

I will go down to the sea-shore
And throw pebbles in the water
And none shall worry me.


If only I could be a cat!
I'd watch the fire from on the mat
And have a chair in which to lie
And think not of the "how" or "why".


Large clocks
Small clocks
Clocks that rhyme
Clocks that chime

Great soft, shapeless lumps,
Full of knobs and full of bumps,
Much to big or much to small,
Some are short and some are tall,

'Tis many long years since a'trav'ling I went
My boots became worn and my clothing was rent
And I knew not the reason why I should be sent.

It must be forty years ago
That I first met my darling Flo.
She was a girl of just sixteen
I vowed that she would be my Queen.

On the corners, in the square
You see them standing everywhere,
Bundles underneath their arms
Shouting out their wares, the charms

David Smart Biography

Working class (blue collar) background. Left school at 14. Ended as Computer Information Systems Manager. Married nearly 50 years. One daughter, three grandchildren, one great-grandchild. Next stop 86.)

The Best Poem Of David Smart

My Betty

My Betty

When my Betty comes out to play
Running along with her happy face,
She seems to brighten the dullest day
Dressed in her ribbons, bows and lace.

When my Betty comes out to play
Though I am sad and about to cry
Her laughter drives my cares away,
She's beautiful as a butterfly.

When my Betty comes out to play
Dancing and prancing and leaping high
With her colourful ribbons fluttering gay
Skipping and tripping - my butterfly.

When my Betty comes out to play
I see her mother at every turn.
I remember her smile on that last day.
She left me with such a lot to learn.

When my Betty comes out to play
My love for her near fills my heart.
Except for the bit that's locked away,
The bit that is her mother's part.

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