David Lewis Paget Poems

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The Invisible Ship

Caroline called from the balcony
To join her and check out the bay,
‘You wouldn't believe, there's a barquentine,
You never see them today.'


I'm so heartily sick of writing
As I do most every day,
I'm missing that flash of lightning as
I write my life away.

Sink Or Swim

The sea of storms came in
To batter our barley coast,
I was determined to sink or swim,
You to be drowned, and lost.

The Man In The Chinese Moon

Both Zhang and Tao, and Wang and Chen
They stare at the Chinese moon,
For the fifteenth day of the eighth month
They’ve waited and prayed at noon,

Lost Youth

‘I wish that I could be young again, '
He sighed from his easy chair,
Watching the film he'd made back then
When there was still time to spare.

Death Called My Name...

Death called my name, and I replied,
‘I'm not quite ready now.
There must be others, more deserving
Of your time, somehow.

Sir John De Vere

Sir John de Vere has took a quill
And set himself to sit and write
The sweetest love that is of men
To take unto his heart's delight.


‘I died early, ’ said the Spirit,
‘So I didn’t have the chance to learn,
And though I don’t exactly burn
With envy for your thirty years,

Love Grows Slowly

You of the winter eye
Hoar frost and crab tree
Eyelids of ice, you lie
Beside and beyond me.

Waters Into Wine

There is no love like the sea brings!
Of tides and storms, or your wanderings.
For you, too, swirl your eddies at the moon,
And flow and ebb at my every afternoon.

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