Danielle CarbonWilson Poems

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Sitting alone, under the star-filled sky,
I wish I could join them, up so high.
So free and dazzling, these heavenly hosts,
But that won't happen, I think with a sigh.

The Potter

Night and day, in his temple
He molds us in His unyielding love,
He crafts each and every vessel,
With His blessings from up above.

One Little Kiss

He whispered softly in my ears,
'I Love You, '
I felt like crying a river of tears,
"I love you too".

Sticks And Stones...

I used to be smiley, happy all the time,
Now, I feel like I've done some heinous crime.
The stares I get when I walk down the hall,
It's enough to make me trip and fall.

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